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Photograph of UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim

Waldheim, Kurt Josef 1918- 2007

Kurt Waldheim served as the Secretary General of the United Nations from 1972-1981.

Photograph of UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim

Popular Documents

September 5, 1972

Discussion Points from the Meeting with Zhou Enlai

Discussion points from Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim's meeting with Zhou Enlai

April 30, 1979

Notes on a Meeting in the Great People's Palace in Peking on 30 April 1979 at 9 A.M

Huang Hua says that "the Vietnamese were the Cubans of Asia but rather more dangerous." In addition to commenting on the situation in Indochina, Huang weighs in on Soviet and Cuban policies toward the Third World, events in the Middle East, and China's involvement in the United Nations.

April 30, 1979

Notes on a Meeting held during the Secretary-General's Visit to Peking on 30 April 1979

Prince Nordom Sihanouk weighs in on the situation in Cambodia, stating that though the situation is grim, "his own policy was to wait and see" what would happen next.

May 1, 1979

Notes on a Meeting held during the Secretary-General's Visit to Peking, 1 May 1979

Deng Xiaoping criticizes Vietnam as a regional hegemon in his a meeting with Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim.

January 19, 1981

UN Security Council Report Concerning the Implementations of Resolutions 435 (1978) and 439 (1978) Concerning the Question of Namibia

Report by the UN Secretary-General on the Geneva meeting between SWAPO and South African delegations. Notes that the meeting did not achieve its goals of designating a date for a cease-fire or for the implementation of the United Nations Transition Assistance Group (UNTAG). Points out that the meeting did succeed in informing parties of the UN's plans for implementation and as a demonstration of good faith.