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Popular Documents

September 26, 1950

Ciphered Telegram from Matveyev (Zakharov) to Feng Xi (Stalin)

Telegram from Zakharov to Stalin detailing the dire situation for the North Koreans following the Incheon landing.

September 29, 1950

Ciphered Telegram from DPRK leader Kim Il Sung and South Korean Communist Leader Pak Heon-yeong to Stalin (via Shtykov)

Telegram from Kim Il Sung and Pak Heon-yeong telling Stalin of the losses they have incurred following American air and ground attacks in South Korea and of their general lack of supplies and trained personnel.

September 27, 1950

Telegram from Matveyev (Razuvayev V.N.) to Stalin

Matveyev describes the state of the Korean People’s Army, particularly the severe status of troops in Seoul and Busan after having encountered American air and ground forces. Matveyev also reports on a meeting between several Soviet and Korean foreign ministers in which Kim Il Sung assumed the tasks of both Supreme Commander-in-Chief and Defense Minister and ordered the deployment of troops northward. Matveyev also outlines the steps he plans to take as a Soviet envoy in aiding the desperate Korean army.

January 2, 1951

J. Burgin's Report on a Trip to North Korea

Burgin reports on the political and economic circumstances of North Korea during the course of war and addresses the question of Polish assistance to Korea.

May 12, 1951

Letter, Lieutenant General John B. Coulter to Syngman Rhee

Lieutenant General John B. Coulter invited Syngman Rhee to a memorial service, likely in connection with the United States' Memorial Day holiday.