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August 23, 1994

Cable from Brazilian Embassy in Washington to Foreign Ministry, 'Brazil-United States. Space cooperation. Visit of the President of the Brazilian Space Agency to Washington.'

This document was made possible with support from Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)


From: Embassy in Washington                                   To: Exteriores


Cable no. 1757


Distribution: DMAE/DPTS/DCTEC/DCS/

Classification: PEMU/BRAS/EUA

Date: 23/8/94

         (Repeated at the request of DCO on 24/8.94)

Brazil-United States. Space cooperation.

Visit of the President

of the Brazilian Space Agency

to Washington.


1757    32200 –  In the afternoon of the 19th I received the visit of Dr. Gilvan Meira Filho, President of the Brazilian Space Agency (AEB) who is currently on a visit to the United States on the invitation of NASA. In Washington, Dr. Meira had several contacts at the headquarters of the American agency. In the absence of the Administrator Robert Goldin, he saw the Associate Administrator for policy coordination and international relations, Robert Clarke.

2. The President of AEB described to me the steps he has been taking in the process of institutionalization of the Agency, among which those aimed at giving it a clearly civilian profile. He also mentioned the recent evolution of the Brazilian posture regarding MCTR, stressing the supporting role of AEB in the framework of compliance with the Brazilian declaration  on MTCR, issued last February.

3. He next mentioned more specific questions, such as the prospects for effective utilization of the Alcântara Launching Center. In this connection, he recalled the interest in identifying international partners that wish to use the CLA for their launches  and mentioned that the question is currently under study between AEB and the Ministry of the Air Force.

4. He discussed the initiatives relating to the United States that could contribute to give higher visibility to AEB, as well as those relating to the Brazilian space program in general, and mentioned the negotiations that AEB is currently carrying out with NASA with a view to an agreement that, differently from those usually signed by the American agency, would have the features of a framework agreement, under which several activities could be immediately contemplated. In this connection, he indicated that the signature of such agreement would be a suitable occasion for a visit of the Administrator of NASA to Brazil.

5. In this context it I worth mentioning that in informal contacts with NASA it was suggested, with good receptiveness from the American side, to invite officials from this country, as well as a few specialized newspapermen to visit CLA, and maybe other points of interest, on the occasion of the carrying out of the Guará 94 campaign. In my view, an initiative of that kind would bring about an opportunity for important actors of the American government to acquaint themselves first hand with the main centers devoted to research and development of space technology. This is a desirable outcome in view of the several measures that Brazil has been taking with a view to reaffirming the exclusive peaceful character of its space program. I would be very much obliged to receive comments from Your Excellency on the opportunity of such a visit, as well as on the convenience (or not) that it takes place concomitantly with the possible visit of Mr. Goldin to Brazil.



This cable reports the visit of Gylvan Meira Filho, President of the Brazilian Space Agency (AEB), to the Brazilian embassy in Washington. Meira Filho went to the US to meet with NASA’s officials to discuss the signature of a framework agreement between the two space agencies. The other objectives of the President of the AEB were to identify potential partners for Brazilian space activities and to signal the agency’s commitment with the MTCR’s norms.


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Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)