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May 5, 1953

Coded telegram from 00708 (Shufu) to 0745 (TH) through Beijing

This document was made possible with support from MacArthur Foundation

67 immediate discussion between carriers and I made through local authorities stop owing high prices carriers demand six million dollars per pony I offered twentifive lakh as hired by Mohammad Sadiq stop Local Authorities ordered me to leave Kasdhgar May tenth without fail stop I engaged seven pones six for personal effects and one for 229 passports flags and relavent account files etcetera as directed  by foreign Karachi stop under circumstances am perplexed kindly arrange requesting local authorities to engage ponies on reasonable hire and send me rupees threethousand immediately cash balance in hand is rupees twothousand Safdarali.

A Pakistani in Xinjiang describes problems they are having.


Document Information


PRC FMA 118-00463-04, 22. Obtained by Charles Kraus.


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MacArthur Foundation and Henry Luce Foundation