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November 4, 1976

Folketinget Question No. 86, Jørgen Junior (FP) to the Minister of Foreign Affairs

This document was made possible with support from Kyungnam University



Question no. 86

November 4. 1976




By Jørgen Junior (FP) [Fremskridtspartiet. ENG: Progress Party]


To the Minister of Foreign Affairs


“Will the Minister take initiative to legal changes in the convention on diplomatic immunity, as its weakness has been clearly displayed by North Korea, who has taken advantage of their rights by running a smuggling operation to finance their Embassies and their propaganda, and distributing narcotics to the detriment of Western societies?”




The actions of North Korea have been clearly condemned, and resulted in the expulsion of 4 diplomats. As a replacement, we received 3 others from the central Embassy in Berlin, whom we presume has been aware of the smuggling operation, and now their potential consequences. For this reason, we expect police will be monitoring them closely, and this misuse [of diplomatic immunity] may thus subside.


However, it would be better if rules existed that made impossible the type of gangster activities that North Korea has committed in many countries across the free world.


The question is asked with reference to §20 of Procedural Protocol.

The inquirer requests a verbal reply.

The question will be brought forth in the upcoming question hour, Wednesday 10. November this year.



To the Minister of Foreign Affairs

Jørgen Junior (FP) of Danish parliament made a request to the Minister of Foreign Affairs that rules to prevent abuse of diplomatic immunity should be introduced and that new North Korean diplomats be monitored closely


Document Information


Rigsarkivet, Udenrigsministeriet (0002), Journalsager gruppe 003-004 (1973-1988), 1567 (4 Q 110). Obtained by Charles Kraus and translated by August Myrseth.


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Kyungnam University