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October 21, 1976

Notice from the Department of Protocol, 'North Korean Embassy'

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PRO.j-nrt 4.Q.110




North Korean Embassy.


1)    Regarding the question of whether a reply to the Danish note to the North Korean Embassy is present, it can be stated that an official reply from the North Korean government has not been received. However, the North Korean government has recalled 4 of their diplomats, and this may be viewed as an implicit recognition of the notice from the Danish government.


2)    With regards to the issuance if visas, it can be stated that visas have been issued to 3 Korean diplomats who will, presumably, maintain the daily operation of the Embassy for an interim period.


As might be expected, the police will seek to monitor the diplomats who are suspects in the affair, and attempt to uncover their involvement in illegal activities in other countries.


Department for Protocol, 21. October 1976


The North Korean government didn’t reply officially, but they recalled their diplomats in terms of a reaction. Visa could be issued only for maintenance related people. Police will keep monitoring the suspicious diplomats.


Document Information


Rigsarkivet, Udenrigsministeriet (0002), Journalsager gruppe 003-004 (1973-1988), 1567 (4 Q 110). Obtained by Charles Kraus and translated by August Myrseth.


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Kyungnam University