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March 13, 1967

Memorandum, Central Intelligence Agency, 'Guidelines on Svetlana (Stalin) Defection'

A CIA officer provides guidance to AMCOMLIB on minimal RL coverage of Svetlana’s defection and avoidance of immediate commentaries on the issue to minimize Soviet perceptions that the US is publicly exploiting the defection.

May 16, 1960

Memorandum for International Operations Division Chief, 'RFE Guidance Line on U-2 Incident'

An IOD officer responsible for RFE reports to Cord Meyer on differences between the FEC/RFE leadership in New York and the RFE management in Munich on broadcast coverage of the U-2 incident and endorses the “calm and reasoned” approach of the Munich management.

January 5, 1959

Memorandum from International Organizations Division Chief Cord Meyer to Director of Central Intelligence, 'Resignation of Mr. C. D. Jackson from the Board of the Free Europe Committee'

Cord Meyer reviews for Allen Dulles State Department policy on Hungary and Poland that led C.D.Jackson to resign from the Free Europe Committee and urges Dulles to ask Jackson to reconsider.

January 7, 1957

Memorandum from Frank G. Wisner for the International Organizations Division Chief, 'Reflections on Radio Free Europe's Present Position and Potentials; Lines for Poland, etc.' [Declassified September 19, 2016]

Frank Wisner, reflecting on the Hungarian Revolution, suggests that Soviet Communism is on the defensive and RFE broadcasts to Poland should discourage violence while supporting Party leader Gomulka’s efforts to gain more autonomy from the Soviet Union. IOD Chief Cord Meyer annotates the memorandum.

July 26, 1950

State Department Office of Policy Coordination Memorandum, 'Considerations in Choosing the Members and Executive Secretary for the Cinderella Cover Committee' [Declassified September 19, 2016]

An OPC official, drawing negative lessons from Free Europe Committee autonomy, argues that AMCOMLIB (cryptonym Cinderella) should be a pure front and not be allowed the autonomy gained by the FEC.

November 11, 1956

Department of State, Incoming Telegram No. 1270

The Embassy in Vienna reports that Radio Free Europe (RFE) staff recently detained in Hungary arrived safely in Austria.

November 9, 1956

Department of State, Incoming Telegram No. 1130

Text of a personal note sent by Ambassador Bohlen to Foreign Affairs Minister Gromyko regarding an American citizen being detained in Hungary.

November 9, 1956

Department of State, Incoming Telegram No. 1129

US Ambassador to Moscow Charles Bohlen reports that he is sending a personal note to Foreign Affairs Minister Gromyko.

November 8, 1956

Department of State, Outgoing Telegram to Moscow Embassy

The State Department requests that the embassy find out the status of an American citizen who works for Radio Free Europe who was detained in Hungary by Soviet military authorities.

November 12, 1956

Radio Free Europe Encrypted Telex MUN 135, Richard Condon to W. J. Conerey Egan

Richard Condon, Radio Free Europe (RFE) European Director reports the release of RFE staff from detention in Gyor, Hungary.
