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Concept Paper on Military Cooperation with Foreign (Non-Socialist) Countries for the Period 1990-1995

This concept paper addresses the need to base decisions about the nature of military cooperation on the Soviet Union’s long term goal of ending the arms race and moving toward disarmament. It also details how this decision-making should look in specific developing countries in which the Soviet Union has an interest.

June 23, 1986

CPSU Central Committee Resolution, 'On the Conception of Military Cooperation with Foreign Countries (Except for Socialist countries)'

The CPSU Central Committee approves a proposal on military cooperation with non-socialist countries.

June 23, 1989

CPSU Central Committee, 'On a Conception of Military Cooperation with Foreign (Non-Socialist) Countries'

An introductory note to the CPSU Central Committee Resolution on military cooperation with non-Socialist countries.

December 26, 1988

CPSU Central Committee, 'On an Answer to Questions from the International Labor Organization on Questions of Conversion of the Defense Industry and Related Areas'

The CPSU Central Committee discusses the Socialist countries' lack of response to an International Labor Organization (ILO) questionnaire on conversion of the defense industry and suggests government offices to review the questions and submit possible answers to the Central Committee.

January 11, 1989

CPSU Central Committee Resolution, 'On an Answer to an Address from the International Organization of Labor on Questions of Conversion and Defense Industry and Related Areas'

The CPSU Central Committee directs relevant departments in the Soviet government to review questions from the International Labor Organization on conversion in the defense industry.

August 1987

CPSU Central Committee Request, 'On the Order of Preparation of Documents on Questions of Military Technical Cooperation with Foreign Countries'

The CPSU Central Committee proposes a workflow for creating composing and approving documents on military technical cooperation with foreign countries.

October 11, 1986

CPSU Central Committee, 'On Military Technical Cooperation with Foreign Countries'

The CPSU Central Committee reports on key considerations for improving Soviet leadership in defense and industry in the context of military technical cooperation with foreign countries.

August 28, 1987

Proposals on the Order of Composing Documents on Questions of Military Technical Cooperation with Foreign Countries

This document outlines the correct workflow for creating and distributing various documents on military technical cooperation with foreign countries.

August 15, 1986

Resolution of the USSR Defense Council, 'On Military Cooperation in the 12th Five Year Plan with Socialist and Developing Countries'

This 1986 resolution catalogs failings in Soviet practices for military cooperation with Socialist and developing countries.

March 22, 1935

The Distribution of the Sovsin'torg Trade Loan

A breakdown of how a Soviet loan to Xinjiang will be utilized.
