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August 28, 1962

Record of Premier Zhou’s Talk with Prime Minister Pham Van Dong

Zhou Enlai and Pham Van Dong discuss North Vietnam's support for revolutions in South Vietnam, Thailand, and Laos.

January 5, 1961

Record of Conversation between Premier Zhou Enlai and General Ne Win

Zhou and Ne Win discuss developments in Laos and Thailand.

February 6, 1965

Record of the First Contact between Premier Zhou and Vice Premier Chen Yi and Kosygin

Premier Zhou and others meet to discuss the current situations in South Vietnam and Laos, U.S. and Soviet strategy, and Chinese-Soviet competition over civil aviation, among other pressing issues.

June 15, 1965

Record of Conversation between Premier Zhou Enlai and Chairman Ho Chi Minh

Zhou Enlai and Ho Chi Minh discuss preparations for the second Asian-African Conference and the potential participation of countries such as the Soviet Union, Malaysia, and India.

March 21, 1955

Letter from Humphrey Trevelyan to Zhou Enlai

October 21, 1954

Minutes of the Third Meeting between Premier Zhou Enlai and Nehru

Zhou and Nehru discuss developments in South Asia and Southeast Asia.

May 9, 1961

Transcript of the Meeting Between Premier Zhou Enlai and Soviet Ambassador Chervonenko

Zhou Enlai says that countries must band together to ensure the neutrality of Laos and isolate the United States. He also reviews the various political leaders and groups in Laos in the context of the Geneva conference on Laos.

May 9, 1961

The Chinese Government's May 5th Response to the Soviet Government on the Memorandum on the Expansion of the Geneva Conference and the Peaceful Conclusion of the Laos Issue

The Chinese Government advocates for a ceasefire and an international conference on Laos "in order to consolidate the victory."

May 8, 1961

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in the Soviet Union, 'Preliminary Views on the Soviet Union's Attitude at the Geneva Conference'

The Chinese Embassy in Moscow assess the Soviet Union's positions at the Geneva Conference on Laos, and concludes that the Soviet Union's policy is "to protect the patriotic democratic forces of Laos."

May 5, 1961

Record of Conversation between Soviet Union Deputy of Foreign Affairs Pushkin and Ambassador Liu Xiao
