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June 17, 1961

State Department Circular Telegram 2047 to US Embassy Jordan [et al.]

Circular telegram for Middle East embassies regarding US visit to Dimona reactor.

May 31, 1961

State Department Telegram 5701 to U.S. Embassy United Kingdom

British Embassy was informed about the contents of President Kennedy's discussion with Ben-Gurion on the Dimona reactor.

May 29, 1961

Department of State Briefing Book, 'Israel Prime Minister Ben-Gurion’s Visit to the United States'

Preparatory materials for Ben-Guiron's visit.

May 5, 1961

Memorandum by Secretary of State Rusk to President Kennedy, 'Visit to Israeli Reactor'

The Israeli Embassy has confirmed the visit by two American observers to the Dimona nuclear facility for May 18.

April 11, 1961

Memorandum by Assistant Secretary Jones to Secretary of State Rusk, 'Your Appointment with Israeli Ambassador Harman'

Jones informs Rusk that Israel is ready to allow a US visit to Dimona, but it must be kept secret. Jones also informed Rusk that the Atomic Energy Commission had selected two of its scientists to make the visit: Ulysses Staebler, assistant director of reactor development and chief of the Civilian Power Reactors Branch, and Jesse Croach Jr., a heavy water reactor expert with Dupont, the AEC’s principal contractor for heavy water reactor work.

March 30, 1961

Memorandum from Secretary Rusk to President Kennedy, 'Dimona Reactor in Israel'

Rusk updates the President on US requests to Israel to visit the Dimona reactor, and provides a related chronology.

February 13, 1961

Department of State Memorandum of Conversation, 'Inspection of Israel’s New Atomic Reactor'

Secretary of State Rusk meets with Ambassador Harman to raise the desirability of a US visit to Dimona, noting that Israeli "candor" was important to the state of the US-Israeli relationship.