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December 10, 1981

Session of the CPSU CC Politburo

The Soviet Politburo discusses the Polish Solidarity movement and the possibility of imposing martial law in Poland to restore order and the communist party's authority.

November 14, 1980

Directive from the CPSU Secretariat, 14 November 1980, Reducing Tourist Exchanges with Poland

The CPSU CC proposes to reduce tourism between the Soviet Union and Poland, given Poland's political situation.

December 11, 1980

Transcript of the CPSU Politburo Session, 11 December 1980

The Politburo approves the results of a meeting of Warsaw Pact officials. Kania offers assurances that PZPR will be able to control the Polish crisis on its own.

January 14, 1981

Directive from the CPSU Secretariat, 14 January 1981, with Supporting Cables

CPSU gives instructions to the Communist Party of Italy on how to deal with Solidarity leader Lech Walesa's visit.

June 18, 1981

Session of the CPSU CC Politburo, 18 June 1981 (excerpt)

Discussion of conversation between Brezhnev and Kania regarding the counterrevolution and other matters.

September 10, 1981

Session of the CPSU CC Politburo, 10 September 1981 (excerpt)

The Soviet Politburo discusses dissent within Poland and the loss of power of the communist party in Poland.

September 17, 1981

Session of the CPSU CC Politburo, 17 September 1981 (excerpt)

Brezhnev informs the Politburo about his conversation with Cde. Kania of Poland on 11 September, 1981. He suggests applying strong pressure to Kania to put down the uprising.

October 29, 1981

Session of the CPSU CC Politburo, 29 October 1981 (excerpt)

Soviet Politburo meeting discusses removing Cde. Kania due to uprisings in Poland. It also addresses shortages of oil and supplies for export and use within the Soviet Union.