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January 21, 1953

Airgram No. 68 from Swift to Admiral Stevens, AMCOMLIB, with attachment 'Joint Agreement on Principles Governing Programs Broadcast by Radio Liberation'

AMCOMLIB official Swift provides Chairman Stevens with a draft of Radio Liberty program guidelines agreed between his office and the Ă©migrĂ© Coordinating Center for the Anti-Bolshevik Struggle 

February 27, 1951

[Memorandum] Russian-Language Broadcasts by Fund to Soviet Personnel in Eastern European Satellite Countries

A Free Europe Committee memorandum discusses possible Russian-language broadcasts to Soviet military forces in Eastern Europe. Includes attachment titled "Specific Proposals for Fund Russian Language Broadcasts to Soviet Personnel in Eastern European Satellite Countries".

April 30, 1948

George F. Kennan, 'The Inauguration of Organized Political Warfare'

State Department Policy Planning Director George Kennan outlines, in a document for the National Security Council, the idea of a public committee, working closely with the US government, to sponsor various émigré activities.

March 13, 1967

Memorandum, Central Intelligence Agency, 'Guidelines on Svetlana (Stalin) Defection'

A CIA officer provides guidance to AMCOMLIB on minimal RL coverage of Svetlana’s defection and avoidance of immediate commentaries on the issue to minimize Soviet perceptions that the US is publicly exploiting the defection.

May 16, 1960

Memorandum for International Operations Division Chief, 'RFE Guidance Line on U-2 Incident'

An IOD officer responsible for RFE reports to Cord Meyer on differences between the FEC/RFE leadership in New York and the RFE management in Munich on broadcast coverage of the U-2 incident and endorses the “calm and reasoned” approach of the Munich management.

September 25, 1986

Memorandum to Central Committee from Politburo Members Ligachev and Chebrikov on Jamming of Western Radio Stations

This memorandum from Politburo members Chebrikov and Ligachev describes in general terms the jamming situation in 1986 and the rationale for ending jamming on VOA, BBC, Radio Beijing and Radio Korea, while continuing jamming of Radio Liberty, Radio Free Europe, Deutsche Welle and Kol Israel.

October 29, 1971

Report by KGB Chairman Andropov on Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty

A report from KGB Chairman Andropov to the Central Committee of the CPSU assessing the status of Radio Liberty and Radio Free Europe in their “transition” period and measures that might be taken to weaken them. It alleges that RFE and RL are planning subversive actions against the USSR at the Munich Olympics. It credits the Soviet bloc intelligence services with increasing the problems of the Radios. The document indicates timely KGB knowledge of internal RL documents such as the March 15, 1971 revision of the Radio Liberty Policy Manual.

April 29, 1965

Memorandum to CC CPSU from Turkmen CC on Extending Turkmen Foreign Broadcasting

The Central Committee of the Turkmenistan Communist Party lobbies the Central Committee of the CPSU to establish a Farsi broadcasting service aimed at Iran and Afghanistan.

April 25, 1963

Minutes of CC CPSU Presidium Meeting on Restricting Soviet Shortwave Receivers

A discussion among the top leadership of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU on the problem of limiting production shortwave radio sets that receive Western broadcasts. The argument is made that, if sets capable of receiving Western radio broadcasts are not produced, Soviet citizens will find ways of adapting non-shortwave radios to receive the broadcasts. The Soviet leaders seem to be under the misconception that the production of shortwave receivers in America was stopped so that Americans couldn’t receive information from the USSR and that the Soviets should do likewise.

January 5, 1961

Implementation of the CC CPSU Decree 'Measures to Vigorously Counteract Hostile Radio Propaganda'

Report on the implementation of the CC CPSU decree to broadcast radio programs to counter VOA and BBC broadcasts.
