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August 11, 1977

CC CPSU Politburo transcript (excerpt)

CC CPSU Politburo transcript (excerpt) discussing the Ethiopian appeal for assistance

August 26, 1977

Record of Soviet-Somali Talks, Moscow (excerpts), with Somali aide-memoire, 10 August 1977

Record of Soviet-Somali Talks, Moscow (excerpts), with Somali aide-memoire, 10 August 1977 regarding Soviet evaluations of the situation in Somalia and the Somali-Ethiopian conflict

August 31, 1977

Record of negotiations between Somali and Soviet officials in Moscow from 15-19 August 1977 (excerpts)

Record of negotiations between Somali and Soviet officials in Moscow (excerpts) regarding Somali-Ethiopian tensions and reactions by Somalis of negative comments in Soviet press regarding Somalia

August 23, 1977

Memorandum of conversation between Soviet Ambassador to Ethiopia Ratanov and Cuban Ambassador to Ethiopia Jose Perez Novoa

Memorandum of conversation between Soviet Ambassador to Ethiopia Ratanov and Cuban Ambassador to Ethiopia Jose Perez Novoa regarding the question of inviting Cuban military personnel to Ethiopia

May 11, 1978

Memorandum of Conversation between [SED] Comrade Friedel Trappen and Soviet Comrade R. A. Ulyanovsky in the CC of the CPSU

The conversation focused on the negotiations between Ethiopia and the Eritrean Liberation Movement. The talks were focusing on how the Eritreans could obtain a certain degree of regional autonomy

June 9, 1978

Winkelmann to Hermann Axen

Winkelman is describing a recent speech by Mengistu, the leader of Ethiopia

June 19, 1978

Memorandum of Conversation between Grabowski and Sinitsin in Moscow

Describes a conversation that covers a speech Mengistu gave on June 14 and also a general discussion of the Horn of Africa. It focuses on international support to the different parties involved

July 14, 1978

CPSU CC Politburo Decision

A decision by the Central Committee regarding continued support of the Ethiopian regime under Mengistu

July 14, 1978

Minutes of Meeting of CPSU CC Politburo (excerpt)

A general conversation amongst Politburo members regarding the current state of relations with the Ethiopian regime and how it could be improved. (excerpt)

March 31, 1977

Report from CPSU CC to SED CC, Results of N.V. Podgorny's Visit to Africa (excerpts)

Report from CPSU CC to SED CC, Results of N.V. Podgorny's Visit to Africa (excerpts) discussing the growing enmity between Ethiopia and Somalia and concerns from African nations over this tension
