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1991 - 2000 of 2018


November 22, 1980

Transcript of a Meeting between Saddam Hussein and the Armed Forces General Command

Saddam Hussein received an update from the Iraqi Armed Forces General Command on the progress of the Iran-Iraq War.

October 1, 1981

Saddam and Senior Iraqi Officials Discussing the Conflict with Iran, Iraqi Targets and Plans, a Recent Attack on the Osirak Reactor, and Various Foreign Countries

Meeting of top Iraqi officials to discuss the ongoing war with Iran and Israeli air strikes.

March 27, 1979

Revolutionary Command Council Meeting after the Baghdad Conference of 1979

Saddam and his executive Revolutionary Command Council discuss the March resolutions of the Arab League, which included the expulsion of Egypt and the cutting diplomatic ties due to its peace treaty with Israel.

June 3, 1978

Transcript of a Speech Given by Saddam Hussein on 'The Role of the Iraqi Armed Forces in the Arab-Zionist Conflict' at Al-Bakr University

Saddam Hussein lectures on the history of Israel and Iraq's involvement in the Arab-Israeli wars.

May 26, 1967

Protocol of the meetings between Egyptian Minister of War, Shams Badran, and Soviet Premier, Alexei Kosygin, on the 25 and 26 of May 1967

Badran and Kosygin met in Moscow on the eve of the Six-Day War. Badran submitted a long list of weapons which Cairo wanted to be airlifted immediately. After a late night discussion in the Politburo, Kosygin informed Badran that Moscow would be willing to airlift only some of the items on the Egyptian list; others would be supplied in a later date. During the first meeting with Badran, Kosygin advised the Egyptian government to think of ways to end the crisis with Israel, perhaps by granting Israeli ships free transit in the Straights of Tiran.

October 1987

General Military Intelligence Directorate Memos on Iran's Chemical Weapons Capability and Alleged Use

Contains memos issued by the General Military Intelligence Directorate (GMID), last dated 6 July 1988, regarding the following issues: The use of chemical weapons by the Iranian Army during the Iran-Iraq War, stating dates and places where they were used; the attempts of Iran to produce chemical weapons relying on the assistance of North Korea, Syria and West Germany; developing some Iranian insecticide factories to be able to produce chemical weapons; types of chemical weapons which are used or produced by Iran, such
as mustard Gas, C factor, phosgene factor, white phosphorus, sarin gas. Page 27 contains correspondence by the Iraqi Military Attache Office in Cairo to the GMID, dated 14 September 1988, regarding information received from the Egyptian Intelligence about Iran's attempts to obtain chemical weapons from Spain through mediators and to provide Libya with chemical weapons in return for supplying Scud B missiles.

March 24, 1988

Transcripts from Three Audio Files of a Meeting of the General Command of the Armed Forces

This file contains transcripts of meeting minutes taken from three tapes, dated 24 March 1988. The tapes include discussions of the Armed Forces General Command with Saddam Hussein and other officials.

October 6, 1980

Transcripts of Meetings between Saddam and Senior Iraqi Officials Discussing Military Tactics During the War with Iran, Including the Use of Napalm and Cluster Bombs, Tank Maneuvering, and Attacking Oil Refineries

This file contains meeting minutes dated 6 October 1980 from meetings headed by Saddam Hussein with the top officials of the Iraqi regime and the high ranking officers of the Iraqi Armed Forces, regarding ammunition and military equipment, coordination between the air defense sectors, Iranian air raids, and air force targets in Iran.


Saddam Hussein and His Inner Circle Discussing the United Nations, the Soviet Union, and the United States

Transcript of a meeting between Saddam Hussein and high ranking Iraqi officials regarding the Iran-Iraq war. They discuss the cease-fire negotiations, the UN Security Council, military and diplomatic issues, and Soviet and US Policy in the region.

May 26, 1988

Transcript of an Armed Forces General Command meeting on the Iran-Iraq War and Al-Faw

This file contains records of meetings involving Saddam Hussein and various advisers during the Iran-Iraq War. They discuss military and diplomatic aspects of the war, the morale of the soldiers, and Iranian attempts to seize the Fao peninsula. They also discuss the Kurds and Iraqi battle preparations.
