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December 31, 1979

Report on the Situation in Afghanistan, Gromyko, Andropov, Ustinov, and Ponomarev to CPSU CC, 27-28 December 1979

Andropov Gromyko Ustinov Ponomarev Report on Events in Afghanistan on 27-28 December 1979 regarding the crisis in Afghanistan and the overthrow of Amin’s oppressive regime with the help of Soviet troops

October 24, 1962

Report to CPSU Central Committee From Defense Minister Rodion Malinovskii and A. Epishev

The response from the Soviet Army following the announcement of the Soviet government about the aggressive actions of the US toward Cuba.

September 6, 1977

Memorandum of Conversation, Soviet Ambassador to Ethiopia A.P. Ratanov with US Charge d'Affaires A. Tienkin, 3 September 1977

Memorandum of Conversation, Soviet Ambassador to Ethiopia A.P. Ratanov with U.S. Charge d'Affaires A. Tienkin regarding US feelings of improved US-Ethiopian and US-Somalian relations and US lack of interest in Soviet military aid to Ethiopia

February 18, 1977

CPSU CC Protocol #46/10, Instructions to the Soviet Ambassador in Washington for his Conversation with Vance on the Question of 'Human Rights'

Response to the US State Department's protest of the arrest of Aleksandr Ginzburg, a prominent Soviet dissident, for alleged currency violations.

May 16, 1990

CPSU CC Memo with extract of Politburo Protocol #187 of 16 May 1990 and other attachments

Memo concerns a directive for the discussions with US Secretary of State James Baker between May 16 and 19, 1990 in Moscow. There are also attachments concerning the quantity of warheads , cooperation, and the armed forces of the US and USSR.

March 21, 1990

Letter from Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR, M. Moiseyev to L.H. Zaikov, 21 March 1990.

The letter concerns Afghanistan and arms sales.

January 25, 1971

KGB Memo of Council Minister of the USSR, Y. Andropov, 25 January 1971

Includes memo of 20 January 1971.

April 1, 1979

Memo on Protocol #149 of the Politburo, "Our future policy in connection with the situation in Afghanistan"

The following CPSU Central Committee document, dated 1 April 1979 and signed by Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko, Defense Minister Dmitrii Ustinov, KGB chief Yurii Andropov, and CC International Department head Boris Ponomarev, provides a strikingly candid assessment of the deteriorating situation in Afghanistan that the Soviet Politburo confronted in spring 1979. The report attributes the increasing success of the Islamic opposition (i.e., the Afghan Mujaheddin) to the “miscalculations and mistakes” of the PDPA (People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan) regime that seized power following the April 1978 “revolution.”

August 5, 1989

CPSU CC Memo with excerpt of Politburo Protocol #164, 5 August 1989

On the provision of additional war supplies to Afghanistan.

December 27, 1979

CPSU CC Memo with attachments, 27 December 1979, on Politburo Protocol #177

The memo concerns Soviet steps on ties with the development of the situation around Afghanistan.
