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June 3, 1974

Cable from the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Vienna, 'North Korea'

The Minister requests confirmation of Austria's rumored intent to engage in official relations with Pyongyang.

May 31, 1974

Cable from Dutch Embassy in East-Berlin to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'Netherlands - North Korea'

Reinink reports on being approached by the North Korean Ambassador on how to improve relations. The latter also mentioned Austria was about to engage in official relations; Reinink gave a noncommittal response.

March 1, 1974

Handwritten Note, Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'Minister's standpoint re recognition of North Korea'

The Minister in principle supports recognition of North Korea but wants to delay it because of lack of Communist reciprocity re South Korea.

August 29, 1973

Internal memorandum of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'North Korea'

A memorandum on North Korea’s claim to be the sole legal representative of Korea in the context of the United Nations.

July 4, 1973

Internal Memorandum of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'The UN and North Korea'

The memorandum notes the Minister's intent to recognize North Korea no later than year's end, if possible. It agrees with the suggestion made in a departmental study that confidential consultations with those countries most involved would be good to get rid of UNCURK and the attached UN Command. It does note that (1) recognition should be postponed until some kind of basic agreement between the Koreas has come about; (2) getting rid of UN Command would create a difficult situation for those American troops still present, which should be addressed.

August 22, 1973

Internal Memorandum of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'North Korea'

D.W. Baron van Lynden counsels the Minister not to recognize North Korea unless both Koreas accede to the United Nations AND the Communist countries recognize South Korea. 4 June 1973 memorandum attached.

August 20, 1973

Internal Memorandum of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'Re Your Draft Memorandum to M[inister] dd 17 August'

A Dutch memorandum on the possibilities of the government recognizing North Korea.

August 2, 1973

Internal Memorandum of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'Visit by North Korean Ambassador'

Informs of a message relayed through the Hungarian government from the Ambassador of North Korea in Berlin, that he would like to make an official visit to the Netherlands.

August 2, 1973

Internal Memorandum of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'Visit by North Korean Ambassador'

Informs of a message relayed through the Hungarian government from the Ambassador of North Korea in Berlin, that he would like to make an official visit to the Netherlands.

August 1, 1973

Internal Memorandum of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'Visit by North Korean Ambassador'

A Dutch Government memorandum weighs the issues and problems involved in opening up relations with North Korea.
