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July 26, 1973

Internal Memorandum of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'Visit by North Korean Ambassador'

The East Asia Department replies to the previous memorandum stating the request should be refused because: (i) presently there are no official relations; (ii) the coming U.N. debate makes this extra sensitive for South Korea; (iii) Australia, fellow UNCURK member and closest to the Netherlands politically, recently refused a similar request; (iv) little new is to be expected from having a meeting; (v) it would be good to keep the initiative in establishing contacts with the North Koreans.

July 25, 1973

Internal Memorandum of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'Visit by the North Korean Ambassador'

The Hungarian representative has visited the Ministry relaying a request from the North Korean Ambassador in East-Berlin to visit the Netherlands in an unofficial capacity, most likely in relation to the upcoming U.N. debates about Korea. The memorandum asks the East Asia Department for its reply.

July 20, 1973

Internal Memorandum of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'Message from Warsaw dd 18 July, red'

Brief note relaying that the July 18 message from Warsaw has been requested for viewing by the chief of the DKP department.

July 18, 1973

Cable from Dutch Embassy in Warsaw to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'North Korea'

Tengbergen reports an telephone call by the North Korean Embassy Counsel requesting to meet with him informally, which he declined.

March 15, 1973

Cable from Dutch Embassy in Brussels to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'North Korea'

Van Schelle reports that pending the outcome of an investigation the Belgian government has told its Embassy in Warsaw to avoid further contacts with the North Koreans. Furthermore the Belgian Embassy in Bern will look into a presumable visit to Switzerland by a highly placed North Korean and possible motivation of the Swiss to establish a North Korean trade office. The Belgians have reiterated their restrictive standpoint and have no current intention to recognize North Korea

March 14, 1973

Cable from Dutch Embassy in Brussels to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'North Korea'

Schmelzer states he would like to be informed of the Belgian government's reaction to the report of the Belgian Embassy Counsel in Warsaw's report on his informal meeting with the North Korean Counsel.

March 13, 1973

Internal Memorandum of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'Contacts with North Korea'

A memorandum from the Dutch Government which argues the benefits of opening informal contacts with North Korea.

March 9, 1973

Cable from Dutch Embassy in Warsaw to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'North Korea'

Reports that the Belgian Embassy Counsel received the North Korean Counsel in his home, where the latter noted the establishment of a North Korean information bureau in France and a trade bureau in Finland, and proposed a formal or informal visit to Brussels. The Belgian reply was noncommittal; the North Korean also announced his intention to visit the Dutch Embassy.

September 12, 1969

Memorandum of Conversation Between Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Representatives of Three Dutch companies, Regarding the Establishment of a North Korean Trade Office in the Netherlands

Representatives from the companies CKH, VMF and Grenko visited the Ministry to plead for the establishment of a North Korean trade office. The Ministry remained of the opinion, also informed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, that economic and political relations with South Korea would be unacceptably damaged by such rapprochement with North Korea.

July 4, 1969

Cable from Dutch Embassy in Seoul to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Regarding Conversation with South Korean Representative about North Korea

Verkade reports that the South Korean deputy vice-minister of foreign affairs Whang summoned him to inform him that the three recent North Korean visitors to the Netherlands had supplied false information on their visa papers yet were admitted. Whang expressed his concern, given their apparent intent to establish official contact with the Netherlands; Verkade reassured him there was no change in Dutch policy.
