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Memo Concerning the Question of Giving Technical Assistance to Iran in the Design of a Tactical Missile System

This document, most likely from 1990-91, discusses Iran's request to the Soviet Union for assistance in the design of Tactical Missile System. The writer expresses the opinion that assistance should not be provided in the interest of preventing further escalation between Iran and Israel.


Memo Concerning Economic Cooperation between the USSR and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

This memo details the SRV's economic development in the 1980's and highlights prospects for continued economic cooperation with the Soviet Union in the agricultural and energy sectors.

April 8, 1991

Third Round of Soviet-Chinese Negotiations: A Mutual Reduction of Armed Forces and a Strengthening of Confidence in the Military Field in the Border Region

This document discusses lessons learned from dealing with the Chinese in the previous two rounds of negotiations regarding the reduction of military presence at the Sino-Soviet border and the plan to jointly produce a draft general agreement on the issue.

February 1990

Round Two Negotiations on Working Out an Agreement About the Guiding Principles of a Mutual Reduction of Armed Forces and a Strengthening of Confidence in the Military Field in the Soviet-Chinese Border Region

This chart graphically compares the PRC's and Soviet positions on the reduction of armed forces through the determination of specific geographical zones, as well as the reduction of the amount of military equipment and facilities in the border regions.


Internal Soviet Guide for Planned Sino-Soviet Border Security Negotiations in 1990

This internal document discusses plans for Sino-Soviet negotiations beginning in September of 1990, detailing regions to be discussed, military information which can be shared going forward, and ideas to be presented to Chinese counterparts.

December 21, 1989

Report Concerning the Complete Withdrawal of Soviet Troops from Mongolia

This report states that the Mongolian authorities requested that Soviet troops be withdrawn following the 1989 Sino-Soviet summit and rapprochement. The writers included a draft decree ordering the removal of troops by July of 1991.

December 21, 1989

Draft CPSU CC Decree Concerning the Complete Withdrawal of Soviet Troops from Mongolia

A draft decree attached to the Central Committee's report on the withdrawal of Soviet military forces from Mongolia.

March 25, 1989

Letter to Gorbachev from Shevardnadze, Yazov, and Kamentsev on Obligations for Military Assistance

In this letter, Shevardnadze, Yazov, and Kamentsev discuss the Soviet Union's obligations to provide military assistance to their treaty partners, and the differences between treaties.

February 24, 1958

Code Message No. 2392 from Ambassador Szymanowski in Stockholm to Ogrodziński

The FRG government requests Polish support in linking the issue of German reunification to the larger conversation about European security. The FRG wishes to remind the Soviet government of its commitment to negotiations on this issue.

January 21, 1958

Deputy Minister Winiewicz, 'Record of Conversation with the Chargé d'Affaires of Denmark, Jan. 20, 1958'

Deputy Minister Winiewicz and the Danish chargé d’affaires discuss Khrushchchev’s visit to Poland and Denmark's opinions on the Rapacki Plan.
