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January 8, 1987

Antonio Rubbi, 'Note for Comrades: Natta, Napolitano, Pajetta, Bufalini, and the Secretariat'

Introduced by a cover letter by Antonio Rubbi dated January 8, 1987, this document is a report from the delegation of the Italian Communist Party led by Reichlin to China from December 3 to 15, 1986. It mainly discusses the state of implementation of economic reforms. As for international affairs, a Chinese official are looking with interest and favor to Gorbachev’s reforms in the USSR.

February 12, 1986

Antonio Rubbi, 'Note Reserved for Comrades: Natta / Pajetta'

Introduced by a cover letter by Antonio Rubbi dated February 12, 1986, this report from Siegmund Ginzberg dated February 6, 1986 is centered on relations between China and the USSR. In particular, the Chinese lament a lack of progress and accuse the Soviets of presenting the situation much rosier than it actually is.

June 25, 1986

Antonio Rubbi, 'Note for Comrades: Natta, Napolitano, Pajetta, Bufalini, and the Secretariat'

Introduced by a cover letter by Antonio Rubbi dated June 25, 1986, this document is a report on the meeting between Raffaello De Brasi and Hu Yaobang. The issues covered include the Chinese internal situation, Chinese relations with the USSR and other socialist countries and in particular disarmament, and relations between China and the West.

April 10, 1985

Antonio Rubbi, 'Note for Comrades: Natta and Pajetta'

Introduced by a cover letter by Antonio Rubbi dated April 10, 1985, this document is a letter from Siegmund Ginzberg dated March 30, 1985 updating the PCI on the situation in China. The topics covered include a conversation with Hu Yaobang, Natta’s visit, Australia, Vietnam and Cambodia, relations with the USSR, the economy, change in the CCP and the Japanese Communist Party.

November 6, 1982

Antonio Rubbi, 'Note Reserved for Comrades: Berlinguer, G.C. Pajetta, and Bufalini'

This document dated November 6, 1982 is a report from Antonio Rubbi on a meeting he had with the Chinese chargé d’affaires on November 5th. He had been ordered to inform the PCI, the only party to be informed, of the visit of Marchais to China. During the meeting with Hu Yao Bang, he states that China is leading player is defending world peace. Both the USSR and USA are to blame for current unrest in their quest for hegemony.

May 5, 1980

Annex 7: Interview with Deng Xiaoping, 17 April 1980 (Summary Report)

Deng and Berlinguer talk about the strategy of Indira Gandhi and the policy of the Soviet Union in South Asia.

May 5, 1980

Annex 2: Minutes of Meeting with Hu Yaobang, April 18, 1980, 9:30am

Hu Yaobang summarize in six points the international situation and the position of CCP in foreign policy: USSR, China-Vietnam, Cambodia.

September 22, 1948

Telephone Message via VCh, Kim Il Sung to Generalissimo Iosif Vissarionovich Stalin

Kim praises Stalin and the USSR for its role in securing Korean independence and in negotiating with the Americans on the Korean issue

October 23, 1949

Cable Telegram no. 59363 from Kovalev to Stalin, containing a message from Mao Zedong

Mao details the actions of the Worker's Party of South Korea, its attempted actions and its repression by state authorities in the last month, and reiterates that he advised against offensive action.

June 7, 1984

Information About the State Visit of the General Secretary of the WPK CC and President of the DPRK, Kim Il Sung, to the GDR

A comprehensive overview of North Korean-East German ties as well as North Korea's overall foreign relations in light of a visit to the GDR made by Kim Il Sung.
