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June 19, 1975

U.S. Embassy London telegram 9376 to State Department, 'Nuclear Export Policy: Bilaterals with FRG'

The U.S. delegation agreed to develop a policy paper that would take into account French and other views so as to reach agreement on the most “stringent” safeguards possible. A central but divisive issue was whether safeguards should apply to the entire nuclear fuel cycle (later known as “full-scope” safeguards). Another issue was whether multinational auspices for reprocessing and enrichment plants should be mandatory or a matter of discretion by a supplier country.

March 26, 1975

State Department memorandum, 'Nuclear Suppliers Conference/French Participation'

This memo describes the details of the nuclear suppliers' conference, specifically the details of French participation. Cites the need for common understanding regarding nuclear exports is needed and therefore invites Great Britain, the Soviet Union, West Germany, Japan, and France to participate in the conference. Also details the process of trying to persuade France to participate and dissuading their reluctancy.

December 21, 1974

George H. Springsteen, Jr., Executive Secretary, to Lieutenant General Brent Scowcroft, 'Briefing Paper on Non-Proliferation'

In the course of a background paper on the nuclear proliferation problem and policy options, the State Department updated the White House on the state of play of the nuclear suppliers’ initiative: the British, the Canadians, and the Soviets had agreed to attend a meeting; the Germans would agree “if all key suppliers” (France) accepted; and the Japanese, who had also been asked, had not responded. The French had not given an answer and bilateral discussions would take place to go over the issues.

October 22, 1974

Memorandum from William H. Luers, Executive Secretariat, to Winston Lord and Fred Iklé

Kissinger agreed that in his absence Acting Secretary of State Robert Ingersoll and ACDA Director Fred Iklé should meet with French Ambassador Kosciusko-Morizet and that the British, Germans, and Canadians should receive copies of the five-point paper, and also be informed of the approaches to the French and the Soviets.

July 7, 1974

Memorandum of Conversation between James Callaghan et al: 'Energy; North Sea Oil; Foreign Assistance; Nuclear Non-Proliferation; CSCE; Trade Bill'

Near the end of a discussion with British Foreign Secretary James Callaghan, Kissinger realized he needed to tackle the problem of nuclear exports and asked his aide, Helmut Sonnenfeldt, to arrange a staff meeting.

February 20, 1969

Rajya Sabha Q&A on Collaboration with Britain on Development of Nuclear Energy

Transcript of questions and answers between members of the Rajya Sabha and the Minister of External Affairs, Shri Sitaram Jaipuria, on communication with the UK government in regard to the development of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.

December 22, 1954

Soviet Translation, 'Statement of the Iran Party Regarding the Bill to Receive a Loan from Foreign Countries' (Attachment)

The Iran Party's statement is critical of the recent loans made to Iran by the Americans and the British, which it believes will leave Iran indebted to countries that just want to exploit the people and resources of Iran. Also includes various Iranian trade figures.

March 25, 1984

Cable from Ambassador Katori to the Foreign Minister, 'Prime Minster Visit to China (Foreign Ministers’ Discussion – Regarding Hong Kong)'

Wu Xueqian informs Abe Shintaro of the Sino-British negotiations on the return of Hong Kong to Chinese control.

October 15, 1961

Polish Report on International Radio Transmissions

Report on the West's radio transmissions, including: NATO's torpedo activity in the Baltic Sea and the US plans to help strengthen Western navies in the region; US troop movements into Europe due to the Berlin Crisis; US tests of intercontinental ballistic missile "Titan"; exercises of Operation Skyshield and Polaris A-2, among many other missile tests

October 29, 1990

Record of a Conversation Between M. S. Gorbachev and President of France, F. Mitterrand

Record of conversation between Mikhail Gorbachev and Francois Mitterrand, on the subject of Saddam Hussein and his invasion of Kuwait. Both leaders stress the importance of avoiding military conflict and the necessity of a united front for the permanent members of the UN Security Council in order to achieve this. Mitterrand notes his apprehension over the US perception of UN Charter Article 51 and the possibility US initiation of hostilities.
