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April 19, 1968

Discussion between Zhou Enlai and Pham Van Dong

Zhou Enlai chastises the Vietnamese for seemingly being too conciliatory in negotiations and failing to take opportunities that would have allowed a stronger position against the US.

April 29, 1968

Discussion between Zhou Enlai, Kang Sheng and Pham Van Dong

Discussion on the international communist movement and the possible causes that could bring about collapse.

May 7, 1968

Discussion between Zhou Enlai, Chen Yi and Xuan Thuy

Zhou Enlai draws on differences between the Korean War and the Vietnam War as a way to show the importance of strong negotiating tactics in Vietnam, he also asks Xuan Thuy to keep negotiations secret from the Soviets.

June 29, 1968

Discussion between Zhou Enlai and Pham Hung

China advises Vietnam against a weakened negotiating position with the United States; China also cautions against Soviet pressure to negotiate.

October 17, 1968

Discussion between Chen Yi and Le Duc Tho

Chen Yi criticizes Vietnam on past concessions to the US, which undermine China and the NLF; Chen Yi also criticizes Vietnam’s acceptance of Soviet proposals to negotiate.

November 17, 1968

Discussion between Mao Zedong and Pham Van Dong

Mao Zedong advises Vietnam to use low US morale and new President Nixon to their advantage. Mao Zedong also withdraws unneeded Chinese troops, promising to return if needed.

April 12, 1969

Zhou Enlai and Kang Sheng’s comments to a COSVN Delegation

Zhou Enlai discusses South Vietnam’s negotiation with the United States and the Middle East question.

April 29, 1969

Discussion between Li Xiannian and Le Duc Tho

Li Xiannian advises South Vietnam toward a total victory and regards negotiation as of secondary importance.

March 21, 1970

Discussion between Zhou Enlai and Pham Van Dong

Zhou Enlai advises to support Prince Sihanouk over Lon Nol.

January 17, 1950

Telegram, Mao Zedong to Liu Shaoqi

Mao Zedong announces that the People's Republic of China will recognize Ho Chi Minh's government in northern Vietnam.
