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September 27, 1972

Excerpt of Mao Zedong’s Conversation with Japanese Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka

Mao claims that, as a result of Tanaka's visit to China, "the whole world is trembling in fear." In addition to discussing international politics, Mao and Tanaka also delve into ancient Chinese history and Buddhist philosophy.

September 27, 1972

Mao Zedong, 'Settlement of the Questions of Restoration of Diplomatic Relations between China and Japan Still Depends on the Government of the Liberal Democratic Party'

Mao met with Tanaka Kakuei, the Prime Minister of Japan, and he argued that settlement of the question of restoration of diplomatic relations between China and Japan still depends on the government of the Liberal Democratic Party.

March 23, 1965

Mao Zedong, 'We Hope the Arab Countries Will Unite'

January 23, 1964

Cable from Li Qingquan, 'Talks with Beaumarchais about the Issue of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between China and France'

Li Qingquan and and Beaumarchais discuss the issue of "two China's" in the normalization of relations between China and France.

January 24, 1964

Cable from the Chinese Embassy in Switzerland, 'Conversation Transcript of the Fourth Talk for the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between China and France'

Li Qingquan and Jacques de Beaumarchais discuss the process of normalizing relations between China and France.

January 26, 1964

Cable from the Foreign Ministry, 'Forwarding the Central Committee Notice regarding Propaganda Points on Diplomatic Relations between China and France'

The Chinese Foreign Ministry issues propaganda guidance related to the normalization of relations between China and France.

January 22, 1964

Cable from the Foreign Ministry, 'Please Notify the Governments of the Receiving Countries of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between China and France'

The Chinese Foreign Ministry says to inform other countries of the establishment of diplomatic relations with France.

February 17, 1979

Statement by Xinhua News Agency upon Authorization

February 16, 1979

Chinese Foreign Ministry's Note of Protest against Vietnamese Encroachment upon Chinese Territory and Creation of Bloodshed

The Chinese government reports that "Vietnamese armed personnel encroached upon Chinese border areas on nearly 30 occassions."

February 15, 1979

Letter, Chen Chu to Ambassador A.Y. Bishara

Chen Chu announces that "the Vietnamese authorities are pursuing a policy of aggression and expansion abroad."
