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Analysis of China's Foreign Policy by the Czechoslovak Embassy in Beijing

This document examines Chinese attempts to foster Western European integration as a counterbalance to the US. Also discussed is the relationship between NATO countries and China and its impact on Soviet-Sino relations, military cooperation between China and Western Europe, and the relations between China and West Germany.

May 6, 1987

Czechoslovak Translation of the Soviet Report on the Tenth Round of Soviet-Chinese Consultations in Moscow

This report outlines the April 1987 Sino-Soviet consultations, with an emphasis on the desire of both the Soviet and the Chinese side to improve mutual relations. However, the Chinese side accuses the Soviet Union of illegal interference in Cambodia. The Soviet Union, in turn, declines responsibility for the Cambodian situation. The participants also discuss the problem of Soviet troop deployments in Afghanistan and Mongolia, which impede Sino-Soviet cooperation.

November 6, 1986

Czechoslovak Translation of the Soviet Report on the Ninth Round of Soviet-Chinese Consultations in Moscow

This report summarizes the October 1986 Sino-Soviet consultations, with emphasis on the Soviet determination to improve mutual relations. At the same time, the Soviet Union declines to pressure Vietnam to withdraw from Cambodia. The Chinese delegation is prepared to normalize political and economic cooperation, but does not propose concrete measures. The authors speculate that this is due to Soviet Union's interference in Asian political affairs.

January 8, 1986

Czechoslovak Translation of the Soviet Summary of Conversations Between Mikhail Gorbachev and Li Peng in Moscow

This report summarizes the consultations between Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev and his Chinese counterpart Li Peng in December 1985 with a focus on divergent positions towards international problems. Li Peng declines to pursue a common policy with the Soviet Union and demands that the Soviet Union cease its interference in Afghanistan, as well as a Vietnamese troop withdrawal from Cambodia.

May 15, 1985

Czechoslovak Translation of Soviet Report on the Sixth Round of Soviet-Chinese Consultations in Moscow

This report on Soviet-Chinese consultations in Moscow includes Soviet proposals to improve the relationship with China, including the establishment of a military expert commission on border questions. However, the Chinese delegation insists that the Soviet Union cease supporting Mongolia, Afghanistan, Vietnam, and Cambodia. The author concludes that mutual cooperation has not been substantially improved as a result of the consultations.

May 8, 1973

Czechoslovak Record of Consultation of Eastern European Ambassadors in Beijing on the Situation in China

This document argues that Chinese policy is determined by a negative attitude towards the Soviet Union, political campaigns, and persecution of the domestic opposition. The participants of the meeting identify two political blocs struggling for political power in China, and state that the role of the army to date remains unclear.

August 14, 1963

Information by the Czechoslovak Foreign Ministry on the Soviet-Chinese Discussions in Moscow

This document examines Sino-Soviet relations with a focus on a 1963 discussion forum in Moscow. The analysis reveals an ideological and political divide between the two countries. Attached is a document outlining Chinese positions on questions of Socialism and peace and on Soviet-Sino relations.

August 1968

Letter from Czech Communist Politicians to Brezhnev Requesting Soviet Intervention in Prague Spring

In August 1968 a small group of pro-Moscow hardliners in the Czechoslovak Communist Party, led by Vasil Bilak, wrote two letters requesting urgent assistance from the Soviet Union to thwart the imminent "counterrevolution" in Czechoslovakia. Both letters were addressed to Leonid Brezhnev, the general secretary of the Soviet Communist Party (CPSU), and both were written in Russian to ensure that they would be read promptly. The first (and more important) letter was signed by Bilak and four of his colleagues: Drahomir Kolder, Alois Indra, Oldrich Svestka, and Antonin Kapek. Brezhnev later used the letter as a formal justification for the impending military invasion of Czechoslovakia.

April 1966

Consultation between the Czechoslovak Foreign Ministry and the Soviet Foreign Ministry [in Moscow]

A report on a routine meeting between Czechoslovak and Soviet Foreign Ministry officials. The topic of discussions was Soviet foreign policy toward Africa and Asia and the Soviets tried to convince the Czechoslovak that relations with these regions were developing well despite several right wing military coups which had taken place in the previous two years. Africa came to the fore, during the discussions, as an area in which the Soviets were investing a lot of time and money.

February 16, 1967

The Visit of the [Syrian] Ba’ath in the USSR, Political Report No. 3

The document records the state of play in Syrian-Soviet relations prior to the Six-Day War. According to the author of the report negotiations between the Syrian Ba’ath delegation and Soviet authorities, which took place in Moscow during January 1967, were tense and uneasy because the Soviets were displeased by the provocative and aggressive Syrian policy toward Israel.
