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January 4, 1980

Jimmy Carter, 'Address to the Nation on the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan'

Jimmy Carter proposes sanctions in response to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.

January 20, 1980

Letter by President Jimmy Carter to the President of the United States Olympic Committee Robert Kane

Jimmy Carter explains his call for a boycott of the 1980 Moscow Olympics in reponse to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.

August 10, 1977

Letter, Warren Christopher to William Hyland, 'Response to Soviet Message on South Africa'

This draft reply to Leonid Brezhnev's August 1977 message to Jimmy Carter on the suspicious site in the Kalahari Desert includes a number of interesting points, among them a request for the "geographic coordinates, size, configuration, and exact nature of the facility." Presumably this information would be used by the US to better target its reconnaissance satellites on the site.

July 1978

Interagency Intelligence Memorandum, US Director of Central Intelligence, 'South Africa’s Nuclear Options and Decisionmaking Structure'

Memo reports that during the period the Carter administration was putting pressure on South Africa to avoid the nuclear weapons route, but the analysts suggested that even if the South Africans signed the NPT and accepted IEAE safeguards they would continue to pursue a “covert program.”

August 27, 1979

Interoffice Memorandum from Javier Pérez de Cuéllar to the Secretary-General, 'Korea'

Javier Pérez de Cuéllar describes efforts to revive dialogue between the two Koreas in the aftermath of US President Carter's trip to Korea.

August 18, 1981

Letter from South African Foreign Minister R. F. Botha on Relations with the Reagan Administration

Letter from South African Foreign Minister "Pik" Botha to South African Member of Parliament J.W.K. Wiley on relations with the United States. He notes that there has been a considerable change in policy since the Reagan administration took over from Carter, summarizing that "the Americans are not at present trying to make trouble for us," although that may change if progress is not made on South West Africa, i.e. Namibia.

June 29, 1979

US Department of State Cable, Request for Indonesian Good Offices to Facilitate ROK and US Discussions with North Korea

Cyrus Vance reveals that Jimmy Carter and Park Chung Hee hope to rely upon Indonesia to facilitate a tripartite dialogue between the U.S., South Korea, and North Korea.

June 30, 1979

US Department of State Cable, Presidential Message

Jimmy Carter writes to Suharto on Indonesia's offer to facilitate a tripartite dialogue between the U.S., North Korea, and South Korea.

June 4, 1979

US Department of State Cable, Coordination of Initiative with President Park to Reduce Tensions on the Korean Peninsula

U.S. Ambassador to Korea William Gleysteen reports on his meeting with Park Chung Hee about the possibility of triparite talks taking place between the U.S., South Korea, and North Korea.

June 1, 1979

US Department of State Cable, Coordination of Initiative with President Park to Reduce Tensions on the Korean Peninsula

Warren Christopher reports that Jimmy Carter would like to push for tripartite talks between the U.S., South Korea, and North Korea, and instructs the Ambassador in Seoul to approach the South Korean leadership on this matter.
