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March 19, 1990

East Germany: Election Mandate for Near-Term Unification

An analysis of the victory of Alliance for Germany in East German elections and its effects on the political climate in both Germanys.

March 7, 1990

Hungary: Election Campaign Heating Up

An analysis of polls that indicate Free Democrats are most likely to win in Hungarian elections.

February 23, 1990

USSR: Baltic Nationalists Press Ahead

An analysis of upcoming elections in Lithuania and Estonia which will strengthen Baltic independence movements.

February 9, 1990

Eastern Europe: Pressing Soviet Troop Withdrawals

An analysis of Soviet efforts to stall troop withdrawals in Hungary and Czechoslovakia.

February 3, 1990

USSR: Estonians Call for Independence Negotiations

An analysis of Estonian movements for independence.

February 3, 1990

Hungary: Moscow Agrees to Withdraw All Troops

An analysis of the complete removal of Soviet troops and its potential effects on Hungarian elections.

February 2, 1990

Bulgaria: Prime Minster, Cabinet Resign

An analysis of the resignations of the Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers and their effects on the Bulgarian political climate.

February 1, 1990

USSR: Estonian Nationalism on the Rise

An analysis of growing Estonian nationalism and Communist efforts to bolster Party support.

January 30, 1990

USSR: Potential for Unrest Growing in Moldavia

An analysis of movements for autonomy in Moldavia and growing concern in Moscow.

January 30, 1990

Romania: Securitate Back in Business

An analysis of persistent opposition demonstrations and the National Salvation Front's decision to increase the role of the Securitate.
