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May 30, 1967

Rajya Sabha Q&A on the India's Objectives Regarding the Nuclear Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons

Transcript of questions and answers between members of the Rajya Sabha and the Minister of External Affairs, Shri M. C. Chagla, on the government's goals for the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

February 15, 1968

Rajya Sabha Q&A on the Progression of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty

Transcript of questions and answers between members of the Rajya Sabha and the Minister of State in the Ministry of External Affairs, Shri B. R. Bhagat, on the progress that has been made in the finalization of the draft of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

December 8, 1964

Rajya Sabha Q&A on a Proposal for a Nuclear Shield for Non-Nuclear Powers

Transcript of questions and answers between members of the Rajya Sabha on a potential "nuclear shield" or ballistic missile defense program for non-aligned powers.

November 28, 1968

Rajya Sabha Q&A on Pakistan's Statement on India Not Signing the NPT

Transcript of questions and answers between members of the Rajya Sabha and the Prime Minister and Minister of External Affairs, Shrimati Indira Gandhi, on Pakistan's position regarding India not signing the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

June 18, 1974

Memorandum of Conversation, 'Indian Nuclear Explosion; World Food Conference; Pacific Coast Tankers; NATO Declaration; Middle East; Trade Bill'

Canada’s safeguards had failed to prevent India from converting spent fuel from the CANDU reactor into plutonium. Kissinger acknowledged to Canadian Foreign Minister Mitchell Sharp that U.S. safeguards had also proven to be “lousy,” failing to prevent India from using U.S.-supplied heavy water for its nuclear activities. Sharp asked Kissinger how the proliferation of nuclear technology could be prevented and what should be said to the Argentines and the Egyptians, who were also seeking to use nuclear energy. But Kissinger evidently had no answer.

June 13, 1967

Rajya Sabha Q&A on Nuclear Guarantee and Nuclear Non-Alignment

Transcript of question and answers between members of Rajya Sabha and Minister of External Affairs Shri M. C. Chagla on India's policy of non-alignment.

August 17, 1978

Prime Minister, Morarji Desai's Statement on the Non-Proliferation Treaty

Transcript of Prime Minister Shri Morarji R. Desai's speech to the Rajya Sabha on the reasoning behind India's refusal to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in the United States

March 13, 1969

Rajya Sabha Q&A on the Reaction of Nuclear Powers to India's Refusal to Sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in its Present Form

Transcript of questions and answers between members of the Rajya Sabha and the Minister of External Affairs, Shri Dinesh Singh, on the reaction of larger powers to India's attitude and refusal to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in its present form.

November 21, 1967

Rajya Sabha Debate on the Non-Proliferation Treaty

Transcript of debate between members of Rajya Sabha on the Non-Proliferation Treaty draft presented by the United States and the U.S.S.R. to the Disarmament Conference in Geneva. Contents, government reaction, and India's nuclear aspirations are discussed.

May 2, 1968

Rajya Sabha Q&A on the Non-Proliferation Treaty Draft

Transcript of questions and answers between members of the Rajya Sabha and the Minister of State in the Ministry of External Affairs, Shri B. R. Bhagat, on the draft of the non-proliferation treaty and the Indian government's position.
