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October 19, 1986

Transcript of Official Negotiations between Comrade Erich Honecker and Comrade Kim Il Sung

Kim Il Sung and Honecker discuss diplomatic relations between East Germany and North Korea and the domestic economic and political situation in North Korea.

August 1, 1967

Letter, Walter Ulbricht to Leonid Brezhnev

Ulbricht writes to Brezhnev about the delegation to the UAR, led by Mr. Weiss. Ulbricht assesses the political situation in the UAR with respect to Nasser and the weak situation of the Arab Socialist Union. Ulbricht also informs Brezhnev about the situation in the SAR, which seems to be worsening due to a lack of concepts for postwar recovery. Ulbricht suggests sending economic and political experts in order to strengthen the cooperation between the UAR, the SAR and the socialist countries.

February 16, 1962

On the Extradition of North Koreans from China

A report on the Chinese government extradition of four North Koreans who were former members of the Korean Workers' Party Central Committee

March 29, 1962

Note about a Conversation between Comrade Stark and Comrade Torbenkov, Counselor at the USSR Embassy in the DPRK

Stark and Torbenkow discussed North Korean plans for reunification with South Korea. They considered the Korean Department of Foreign Affairs arguement for a confederation with the South to be dangerous. The Korean press supported this plan.

June 4, 1962

Information about a Conversation between the Ambassador of the DPRK Comrade Gwon Yeong-tae and Comrade Alfred Kurella

The North Korean Amabassador in East Germany evaluates politics, the economy, schooling, and the military in South Korea

November 16, 1962

Information on the DPRK Position Regarding Measures by the Soviet Government for a Peaceful Resolution of the Cuba Conflict and Regarding the Chinese-Indian Border Conflict

The reporter notes that the Korean press, Kim Il Sung, and the Korean Labor Party didn't talk much about Soviet aid for Cuba, and that North Korea supports China in the Chinese-Indian boundary dispute.

January 7, 1963

Note about a Conversation with the Ambassador of Czechoslovakia to the DPRK Comrade Moravec

Czech Ambassador described behavior of Ri Ju-yeon at the Party Congress of the Chinese Communist Party.

March 9, 1982

Conversation between Erich Honecker and Yasser Arafat (Excerpt)

This is an excerpt of a conversation which appears in full at BA-SAPMO J IV 2/201/1416. The conversation opens with the issue of French-Israeli relations. France plans to deliver a nuclear reactor to Israel to the opposition of the Arab world. Also mentioned are the deliveries of arms from the GDR to the PLO. Arafat reports on the use of chemical weapons by Israel in Lebanon. These weapons were reportedly delivered by the FRG. Israel also seems to use biological weapons. Final topics of discussion are the role of the Pope in Poland, the question of Jerusalem, and the Islamic movement in Afghanistan.

November 3, 1973

Letter from Erich Honecker to Syrian President Hafez al-Assad

Honecker announces the delivery of arms to the Syrian Arab Republic.

October 1969

Letter, Walter Ulbricht to the General Secretary of the CPSU, Comrade Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev

Ulbricht expresses his consent for the measures proposed by the Soviet leadership. He underlines the demand for an Israeli withdrawal and points out that otherwise it would be necessary to lead a war of attrition against the Israeli occupation forces. The participation of volunteers from the socialist countries would be necessary, but would require further consideration.
