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November 12, 1990

Statement by the Honorary Chairman of the SPD, Brandt, about his discussions in Baghdad

Willy Brandt's statement on the Gulf Crisis issue, includes his strong belief in the non-military solution efforts; however Brant makes it clear in his statement that he has no intentions to become a mediator in the crisis, but only serve as an advisor.

September 16, 1991

From the Interview by the Honorary Chairman of the SPD, Brandt, with Die Welt

Willy Brandt's interview with Die Welt on unified Germany and the break-up of the Soviet Union.

May 11, 1978

Memorandum of Conversation between [SED] Comrade Friedel Trappen and Soviet Comrade R. A. Ulyanovsky in the CC of the CPSU

The conversation focused on the negotiations between Ethiopia and the Eritrean Liberation Movement. The talks were focusing on how the Eritreans could obtain a certain degree of regional autonomy

June 7, 1978

Information on Talks of Ahmed Nasser (ELF-RC) in the USSR Solidarity Committee

Ahmed Nasser, leader of ELF-RC (one of the Eritrean liberation movements), discusses the internal political situation of Eritrea.

June 9, 1978

Winkelmann to Hermann Axen

Winkelman is describing a recent speech by Mengistu, the leader of Ethiopia

June 19, 1978

Memorandum of Conversation between Grabowski and Sinitsin in Moscow

Describes a conversation that covers a speech Mengistu gave on June 14 and also a general discussion of the Horn of Africa. It focuses on international support to the different parties involved

December 26, 1962

Record of Conversation Between Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai and Mongolian Leader J. Zedenbal

Record of conversation between Zhou Enlai and J. Zedebal largely focused on the Sino-Indian border dispute

November 26, 1980

Letter from Honecker to Brezhnev

East German leader Erik Honecker writes to Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev requesting that a meeting of the First Secretaries of the Communist Parties in the Warsaw Pact member states be convened to discuss the crisis in Poland. Honecker suggests that any delay in taking action agains the "reactionary forces" would result in the demise of communism in Poland.

April 23, 1981

CPSU CC Politburo Commission Report, 'On the Development of the Situation in Poland and Certain Steps on Our Part,' and CPSU CC-Approved Plan of'Measures to Assist the PZPR [Polish United Workers' Party]'

Special Dossier to the CPSU CC discussing the weakening of the PZPR and the rise of Solidarity as an organized political force. Describes the leadership of Kania and Jaruzelski in the party and prescribes a method of politically weakening Solidarity by exposing and exploiting its fragments, including the extremist KOS-KOS, and stepping up propaganda that stresses the impending invasion of Soviet troops to suppress the uprising.

December 5, 1980

Werner Krolikowski, "Comment on the Report of the PB to the 13th Plenum of the SED CC, which was prepared and submitted by Günther Mittag," handwritten, [excerpt]

Excerpt of set of notes written by Werner Krolikowski; includes his fourth point, which discusses the effects of the changes taking place in Poland; addresses socialist development in Poland and counterrevolution.
