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January 15, 1958

Correspondence Extract No. 549 from Washington to Comrade Rapacki

The Polish ambassador discusses American opinions on the Rapacki Plan, including both the interest and negative responses it has received.

January 10, 1958

Code Message No. 269 from Korolcyzk to Gede (Moscow), Willmann (Budapest), Mazur (Prague), and Zambrowics (Bucharest)

The Polish Foreign Ministry informs its diplomats in Moscow, Budapest, Prague, and Bucharest about the French Prime Minister's interview criticizing the Rapacki Plan.

June 4, 1984

Untitled report the Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs Stefan Olszowski concerning his meeting with the Soviet Ambassador Aleksandr Aksionau in Poland

During a visit to the USSR, Kim Il Sung stressed the unity of socialist countries especially in Southeast Asia. Kim mentioned that DPRK has no intention of attacking South Korea.

June 27, 1961

Polish Information on Laos

Polish Military Attache Siwicki's report on the civil war situation in Laos and other parties' involvement, such as the US sending aid in the form of money or supplies

June 21, 1960

Polish Diplomat's Notes on the Situation in the Far East

Kowalczyk's review of the situations in Taiwan including increased US presence and construction of US ports and Thailand being equipped by US army and used as a base for US planes.

October 15, 1961

Polish Report on International Radio Transmissions

Report on the West's radio transmissions, including: NATO's torpedo activity in the Baltic Sea and the US plans to help strengthen Western navies in the region; US troop movements into Europe due to the Berlin Crisis; US tests of intercontinental ballistic missile "Titan"; exercises of Operation Skyshield and Polaris A-2, among many other missile tests

December 14, 1961

Polish Notes from Miami Regarding Situation in Cuba

Notes on news stories collected from various Spanish-language newspapers in Miami. Topics cover the growing tension between Cuba and the US, efforts to recruit Cubans to US army, skepticism over whether the US could have any influence over Castro's revolution, and worries that US military involvement in Cuba could escalate into another big war.

October 30, 1962

Polish Embassy, Rio de Janeiro (Chabasinski), to Polish Foreign Ministry

Telegram describing conversation between Ambassador Chabasinski and former Brazilian president Juscelino Kubitschek de Oliveira. They discussed their dissatisfaction with the US's "Alliance for Progress" and recent US diplomatic efforts, among other topics.

January 17, 1962

Polish Embassy, Rio de Janeiro (Chabasinski), to Polish Foreign Ministry

Telegram describing conversation between Ambassador Chabasinski and US Ambassador Gordan regarding the United States' relations with Cuba.

November 25, 1963

Secret Telegram from Chodorek (Hanoi) to Morski (Warsaw) [Ciphergram No. 15053]

Record of Ha Van Lau's discussion of the Internatinonal Control Commission in Vietnam, sent by Polish official in Hanoi, Chodorek, to Warsaw. He states that the Commission has repeatedly violated the Geneva Accords and, through its Indian delegate, operated under the orders of the US.
