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January 23, 1959

Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Report on the Delegates to the 21st Party Congress

There is a mention of the several different secretaries of different communist countries—Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Korea. The need to improve economic situations and living standards in all countries is addressed, including the rebuilding of areas destroyed in the Korean war.

April 21, 1964

Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Report on Arming the Democratic People's Republic of Korea

Recounting experiences with the North Korean navy and promises to add more officers to the Korean armed forces, discussion of arming North Korean for relations with the US-occupied south.

December 20, 1965

Memorandum of Conversation between the Korean Ambassador Kim Byeong-jik and Sudarikov

The document is a record of discussions between the Korean ambassador to Russia and Kim Il Sung pertaining to the relations between North Korea and Russia. They suggest they will continue to improve and that so will business relations.


Schedule with the Delegates to the 21st Party Congress

A schedule for discussion points pertaining to international affairs. North Korea requests for more weapons faster, economic assistance, and the negotiation of the release of Korean prisoners in Japan.

December 18, 1959

Draft Report, 'On the Trip of the Soviet Party-Governmental Delegation to the PRC,' by M. Suslov to CC CPSU Presidium for Presentation to a Forthcoming CC CPSU Plenum (excerpt)

Draft report by M. Suslov describing the visit of a Soviet delegation to the People’s Republic of China, mainly focusing on the deterioration of relations between India and China.

May 24, 1979

Memorandum of Conversation between Minister-counselor of the Soviet Embassy in Havana M. Manasov and Cuban Communist Party CC member Raul Valdes Vivo, 7 May 1979

Memorandum of conversation between Minister-counselor of the Soviet Embassy in Havana M. Manasov and Cuban Communist Party CC member Raul Valdes Vivo where Vivo discusses plans for Soviet-Cuban cooperation on the Zimbabwe situation

December 27, 1979

Message to Soviet Ambassadors on the Invasion of Afghanistan, Attachment to CPSU Politburo Decree #177

The violent actions by the DRA, led by H. Amin, to de-stabilize the Afghan government, dissolving the gains made in the April Revolution, causes the Soviet Union to place military detachments in Afghanistan.

October 18, 1979

Transcript of CPSU CC Politburo Meeting (excerpt), 18 October 1979

[Excerpt] Transcript of CPSU CC Politburo Meeting regarding telegrams from Cuba regarding the attitudes of SWAPO men and Angolans towards the Cubans and fighting. The Politburo members also discussed Sino-Soviet relations, Cuban sugar sales, and Soviet cooperation with Spain.

May 31, 1978

Political Letter from USSR Ambassador to Afghanistan A. Puzanov to Soviet Foreign Ministry, "About the Domestic Political Situation in the DRA," (notes)

Political Letter from USSR Ambassador to Afghanistan A. Puzanov to Soviet Foreign Ministry, "About the Domestic Political Situation in the DRA," (notes) expressing the need to support the new Afghanistani government in order to strengthen it

June 18, 1978

Record of Conversation, Soviet Ambassador A.M. Puzanov and Taraki

Record of Conversation, Soviet Ambassador A.M. Puzanov and Taraki on possible disunity within the Afghan Communist Party, rebutted by Taraki claiming that the party is unified
