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July 20, 1956

Memorandum of Conversation with the head of the department of construction materials under the DPRK Cabinet of Ministers, Li Pil-gyu.

Li Pilgyu holds a frank conversation about Kim Il Sung's inner circle, and where their loyalties lie. Kim Il Sung's cult of personality has created a dangerous politial and social atmosphere.

July 24, 1956

Memorandum of Conversation with Minister of Foreign Affairs of the DPRK, Nam Il

Nam Il speaks to Soviet Charge d'Affairs about the dangers of recent Soviet-Korean criticism of Kim Il Sung. They fear that Kim Il Sung would misinterpret the criticisms and create international tension.

September 1, 1956

Memorandum of Conversation with Premier Kim Il Sung

Yoon Gong-heum and others at the August Plenum speak out against the cult of personality in the KWP and reject the party line. They are expelled from the party, and those who fled are held at the Chinese border.

September 4, 1956

Memorandum of Conversation with the Ambassador of the Peoples Republic of China to the DPRK Qiao Xiaoguang

Ambassador Ivanov in the DPRK speaks with PRC Ambassador on the four Koreans who spoke against Kim Il Sung that are being held at the Chinese border. Ivanov states that the Soviet Union is against criticizing Kim Il Sung.

November 5, 1956

Memorandum of Conversation with the Chinese Ambassador to the DPRK Qiao Xiaoguang

The PRC intervention of Mikoyan and Peng Dehuai regarding the September Plenum is discussed, along with the possibility of the critics of Kim Il Sung's leadership returning from the PRC.

October 26, 1956

Memorandum of Conversation with the charge d’ affaires of the Chinese Embassy in the DPRK, Chao Ke Xian

Ambassador Ivanov meets with charge d’ affaires of the Chinese embassy in the DPRK, Chao Ke Xian, regarding Ivanov's meeting with Kim Il Sung. Kim Il Sung allegedly made promises about publishing the decrees of the August and September Plenums, which he has not done.

October 30, 1956

Working Notes from the Session of the CPSU CC Presidium on 30 October 1956

The Presidium decides to promulgate a declaration on Hungary in which Soviet withdrawal and relations with the new government will be addressed. Members discuss the language of the new declaration and the advice of the CPC CC regarding the status of Soviet troops. The declaration is also intended to address the broader crisis in Soviet relations with people’s democracies.

November 3, 1956

Working Notes from the Session of the CPSU CC Presidium on 3 November 1956, with Participation by J. Kadar, F. Munnich, and I. Horvath

Kadar argues that the source of mistakes in the past resulted from the monopoly that a handful of Hungarians had on relations with the Soviet Union. Rakosi is singled out as a source for previous difficulties. Kadar believes that forming a new revolutionary government is the only way to undermine the violence of the counterrevolution and prevent Nagy from acting as cover for such activities. To garner support amongst workers, Kadar argues that the new government must not be a Soviet puppet.

December 12, 1979

CC CPSU Politburo Resolution # 176/125, Concerning the Situation in "A" [Afghanistan]

The decree is on the situation in Afghanistan.

December 29, 1979

CPSU CC Memo with Excerpt from Protocol #177/220, 29 December 1979

This memo includes the response of Brezhnev to President Carter's address concerning Afghanistan and US-Soviet relations.
