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May 10, 1943

Letter to Stalin from Korean Political Parties and Other Organizations which are Based in China

The author celebrates Stalin’s victories against fascist forces and asks Stalin to aid Korea and to recognize the Korean Provisional government.

September 6, 1942

Letter to Stalin from Lee Chang-chen, Commander-in-Chief of the Korean Army in China

Lee Chang-chen asks Stalin to strengthen the Red Army fighting against the Japanese in the Far East in order to bring about the liberation of Korea faster.

February 1942

Letter to Stalin from the Commanders and Soldiers of the Korean Army in China

Korean commanders express high hopes that Stalin's Red Army will defeat fascist forces all around the world.

May 17, 1944

Record of the Conversation of Comrade I.V. Stalin and Comrade V.M. Molotov with Polish Professor Lange

Stalin meetings with Oscar Richard Lange, professor of economics at Chicago University. They discuss the Polish Army, the Polish government-in-exile in London, the formation of a new Polish state following the war.

April 28, 1944

Record of a Conversation between I. V. Stalin and the Roman Catholic Priest Stanislaus Orlemanski about the Feelings of the Polish Nationals in the United States toward the USSR

Stalin and Stanislaus Orlemanski, an American priest of Polish-American heritage, discuss America's perception of the Soviet Union, and the relationship between Poland and the Soviet Union.

October 5, 1945

Record of Conversation between Soviet Ambassador in China Apollon Petrov and Zhou Enlai and Wang Ruofei

They discuss the results of negotiations with the Chinese Nationalist Party and Chiang Kai-shek's political and military position.

December 10, 1945

Malik, 'On the Question of a United Government in Korea'

This document discusses the creation of an independent Korea. Roosevelt, Churchill, and Chiang Kai-shek first presented the idea at the Cairo Conference in 1943. The United States supports the creation of a single Korean state while the USSR opposes it. The document discusses the importance of the answer to the unification question for the Soviet Union's political and economic future as well as its interest in the Far East.

June 1, 1960

From the Journal of N. Ye. Torbenkov, Record of a Conversation with DPRK MFA Counselor Pak Deok-hwan

In this incomplete document, Pak Deok-hwan, a Soviet Korean, describes his plans to return to the Soviet Union. He also discusses the "Juche" philosophy being promoted by the KWP that "everything Korean is better compared to [anything] foreign."

October 11, 1956

I. Tugarinov to Cde. B.N. Ponomarev, ‘Concentering the Situation on Taiwan (Memorandum)’

August 19, 1952

From the Journal of A. Ya. Vyshinsky, 'Record of a Conversation with Zhou Enlai, Premier of the PRC State Administrative Council and Minister of Foreign Affairs, 18 August 1952'

Vyshinsky and Zhou briefly discuss recent changes in China and the positive state of Sino-Soviet relations.
