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November 12, 1945

From the Journal of V.M. Molotov, 'The Reception of US Ambassador Harriman at 1900 12 November 1945'

Molotov and Harriman argue, respectively, for the Soviet and American proposals for a control mechanism and Far East Commission in Japan, failing to iron out differences between the two proposals.

November 12, 1945

Molotov to Cde. Stalin

Molotov agrees with Stalin's drafted reply to the United States on behalf of the four (himself, Beria, Malenkov, and Mikoyan).

November 11, 1945

Telegram via VcH from Stalin to Cde. Molotov

Stalin asks Molotov for edits on reply to the American rejection of proposed Soviet changes to the control mechanism and Far East Commission for Japan.

November 9, 1945

Note Presented to V.M. Molotov by US Ambassador Mr. Harriman

The United States rejects the majority of the proposed Soviet changes to the control mechanism (Allied Military Council) and Far East Commission, expressing frustration at the Soviet Union’s unwillingness to commit to the American proposals in the unofficial bilateral negotiations.

November 9, 1945

From the Journal of V.M. Molotov, 'The Reception of US Ambassador Harriman, 9 November 1945 at 1900'

Soviet Minister of Foreign Affairs Molotov and American Ambassador to the Soviet Union Harriman discuss lingering misunderstandings, questions, and disagreements between their two countries on the Allied Military Council and Far East Commission in Japan.

November 6, 1945

Cable, V. Molotov, L. Beria, G. Malenkov, and A. Mikoyan to Cde. Stalin

Molotov, Beria, Malenkov, and Mikoyan request approval from Stalin to help a Japanese Communist and his wife return to Japan, as well as to provide assistance to other Japanese anti-fascists in China intent on returning to Japan.

November 5, 1945

Changes to the US Government Proposal about the Far East Commission

Soviet changes to the American proposal for the Far East Commission, presented to Ambassador Harriman in a meeting with Minister of Foreign Affairs Molotov.

November 5, 1945

Changes to the US Government Proposal regarding the Control Mechanism for Japan

Soviet changes to the American proposal for the Allied Military Council for Japan, presented to Ambassador Harriman in a meeting with Minister of Foreign Affairs Molotov.

November 5, 1945

From the Journal of V.M. Molotov, 'The Reception of US Ambassador Harriman, 5 November 1945 at 1900'

Soviet Minister of Foreign Affairs V. M. Molotov and American Ambassador to the Soviet Union W. Averell Harriman discuss proposed Soviet changes to the control mechanism and Far East Commission in Japan.

November 4, 1945

Cable, V. Molotov, L. Beria, G. Malenkov, and A. Mikoyan to Cde. Stalin

Soviet changes to American proposals for the control mechanism and Far East Commission in Japan, drafted in response to objections Stalin raised in a telegram on November 4, 1945.
