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February 8, 1969

Military Exercise Specific Plan for the Coordination of the Air Defense Forces of the Polish People's Republic and the Northern Group of Forces

This document sets out plans to coordinate the air defense forces of the Soviet Union, Poland, East Germany and Czechoslovakia. Coordination primarily includes, for example, the mutual exchange of information regarding detection, tracking, and actions of enemy targets.

September 3, 1985

Military Exercise Druzhba-85 Plan to conduct a one-sided, multi-stage combined-arms army exercise codenamed "Druzhba-85"

This document introduces the trilateral military exercise known as Druzhba-85. Involving troops from the Soviet Union, East Germany, and Poland, the September 1985 exercise was implemented with the goal of improving commands and staffs in joint offensive operations; identifying more effective methods of military organization; coordinating allied commands and staffs; and deepening international political ties via military coalition. The exercise is premised on a hypothetical scenario in which NATO forces exacerbate East-West tensions and launch an offensive against the Warsaw Pact countries. The document provides additional detail on the operational procedure of the exercise.

December 6, 1944

Record of Conversation of D. G. Yakovlev of the Allied Control Commission in Bulgaria with S. Moshanov, Former Chairman of the People's Council of Bulgaria

A discussion in Sofia, Bulgaria between Stoicho Moshanov and D.G. Yakovlev. The two issues discussed were the internal political situation in Bulgaria and British policy in Bulgaria

November 14, 1978

Notes on Yasser Arafat's Visit to Moscow in October 1978

A synopsis of discussions between Moscow and PLO Leader Yasser Arafat that had occurred on October 29, 1978. The Russians expressed concern that Egyptian President Anwar Sadat has participated in peace agreements with Israel and the U.S. The Russians framed this as anti-Arab and assured Arafat that they supported Arafat and his "progressive" policies. The Soviet Union aligns itself firmly with the PLO and those in the Arab world that reject cooperation with the U.S. and Israel. Due to these discussions, the first joint Soviet-PLO communique was issued, which pleased the Palestinians.

March 1978

Notes on Yasser Arafat's Visit to Moscow in March [1978]

Notes on a meeting in Moscow from March 6-10 between Yasser Arafat & the PLO Delegation and the Soviet government. Arafat was met by Brezhnev, Boris Ponomarev and Andrei Gromyko. Among the issues discussed were the situation in the Middle East, the Soviets desire for Palestine to counter Egypt's "capitulation" to Israel and the U.S. (which Arafat affirmed), tensions in Southern Lebanon and the PLO's increasing desire to further cooperation with Syria and non-Christian Lebanese groups.

August 1974

Notes on Yasser Arafat's Vist to Moscow in July [1974]

Notes on meetings that took place from July 30th to August 3rd 1974 between PLO President Yasser Arafat and unnamed Soviet officials. Topics discussed included improving likelihood that the issue of Palestinian independence would be resolved, Arafat's approval of Soviet support for Palestine, the Soviets' expression, at length, that they do not support the destruction of Israel, and continuing cooperation between the Soviets and the PLO.

May 27, 1966

Excerpts from Leonid Brezhnev's May 1966 Speech on Talks with Kim Il Sung

Excerpts from Leonid Brezhnev's speech at the CC CPSU Plenum on the morning of May 27, 1966, in which he discusses his visit to North Korea and meetings with Kim Il-Sung, as well as Soviet and North Korea relations with North Vietnam, China, and Japan.

November 10, 1962

Soviet Report on the Cuban Missile Crisis Based on Intelligence Materials

Summary of intelligence sources reporting that the US had been preparing for an invasion of Cuba and Kennedy only used the installation of missiles as a pretext to carry out aggressive actions. The US carried out the blockade also to warn the Soviet Union against signing a separate peace treaty with the GDR and to strengthen the position of the Democratic Party before the election. According to the report, other capitalist countries agreed that it was only the flexible policy of the USSR that prevented the outbreak of war.

September 20, 1947

Report of Pham No Mach [Pham Ngoc Thach] to the Soviet Envoy in Switzerland, A. G. Kulazhenkov

Report of a meeting with an emissary of the Viet Minh government who requested Soviet support for Vietnamese forces in their independence war against the French. Pham Ngoc Thach stresses the communist nature of the Republic of Vietnam's government, explaining that the Communist Party was only dissolved in 1945 "to avoid provoking a negative American reaction." Pham also discusses his meetings with the French Communist Party in Paris, and the situation in other Southeast Asian countries, including Malay, Indonesia and Thailand.

April 4, 1962

Soviet Report on Cuban Proposal to Establish a Soviet Intelligence Center in Cuba

Report on a conversation between the Cuban Minister of Internal Affairs Ramiro Valdez Menendez and the KGB representative in Havana regarding the former's trip to the Soviet Union. The discussion concerns a Cuban proposal to set up a Soviet intelligence center in the country, which the Soviets turned down.
