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March 3, 1951

Ciphered Telegram from Filippov [Stalin] to Mao Zedong via Zakharov

Agreement to relocate two fighter divisions - division 151 and 324 - under the command of General Belov to cover the rear of the Sino-Korean forces, if they are able to leave two Chinese air divisions in Andun to protect the power and communications in the area.

February 24, 1951

Ciphered Telegram from Roshchin to the Ministry of Finance

Reporting that the value of the ruble was decreasing in terms of the American dollar and the Chinese yuan because the exchange rate of the ruble in yuan is calculated through the American dollar; the value of gold on the black market; and that an agreement should be established between the People's Bank of China and the National Bank of the USSR on the settlement of the non-trade transactions between the ruble and the yuan in line with the price of gold, independent of the US dollar.

February 17, 1951

Ciphered Telegram from Zakharov to Filippov [Stalin]

Response to Filippov's [Stalin's] telegram from the 16th of January passing on Zhou Enlai's response. Zhou Enlai stated that the air force will be at the joint command of the Chinese and Korean airforce.

February 10, 1951

Telegram from Yumashev to Stalin

Intelligence reports from the Fifth Navy Radio Network from 7 and 9 February reporting that there have been increased amounts of radio transmissions between naval commanders of the US forces in the Far East, and that evidence suggests that the US command is preparing a landing operation on the west coast of Korea.

January 19, 1951

Telegram from Vasilevsky and Menshikov to Stalin

A response to Mao's questions about the third article of the draft agreement on military credit, the date of the requested deliveries in February and May, and requests to expedite delivery of the remaining 12,000 cars.

January 30, 1951

Ciphered Telegram from Filippov [Stalin] to Mao Zedong via Zakharov

Passing on a copy of Stalin's telegram to Razuvaev from the same day concerning the organization and hierarchies of the Korean army.

November 25, 1963

US State Department Translation, Cipher Telegrams No. 2000-2004, Anastas Mikoyan reports to CC CPSU after funeral of President Kennedy.

Pair of cipher telegrams from Anastas Mikoyan to Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. He is summarizing his meetings with State Department officials regarding Soviet newspaper reports of the Kennedy assassination. He also discusses U.S. government officials' and Jackie Kennedy's deep appreciation for the Soviet government's decision to send representatives to Kennedy's funeral.

January 5, 1951

Telegram Relaying Kim Il Sung's Letters to the Soviet Ambassador to Poskrebyshev

These letters are about the state of pilots, the preparation of the summer aviation training, sending Korean reserves to China, naval schools, the delivery of special communication, a broadcasting station, and Soviet instructors.

January 5, 1951

Ciphered Telegram from Mao Zedong to Filippov [Stalin] Relaying a Letter from Peng Dehuai

Peng Dehuai informs Stalin of what was happening on the front lines, and the status of the their armies and the opposing ones.

December 25, 1950

Ciphered Telegram from Vyshinsky to Roshchin, Transmitting a Message from Filippov [Stalin] to either Mao Zedong or Zhou Enlai

Passes on the message that the proposed procedure and terms of training of Chinese pilots in jet aircraft are satisfactory.
