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March 1949

Soviet-Korean Protocol about Temporarily Leaving Soviet Navy Subunits in the Port of Chongjin

List of agreements between the two governments that state that the USSR will leave some of their navy forces in the port of Chongjin, and that the DPRK will provide the necessary housing and facilities for the troops. Troops will be excused from customs and those working for the troops can move across borders with documents decided by both the USSR and DPRK.

October 12, 1948

Telephone Message via VCh, I. Stalin to Kim Il Sung

Telegram from Stalin to Kim Il Sung acknowledging Kim's telegram from the 8th of October. Stalin states that the Soviet government is ready to begin diplomatic relations with the DPRK, exchange ambassadors, and start economic relations

May 12, 1947

Cable No. 121973, Meretskov and Shytkov to Cde. Stalin

A request to send Soviet specialists to North Korea. The DPRK especially needs engineers to help them build railways. Shtykov notes that if the Koreans don’t receive aid from the Soviets, they'll turn to the Americans.

November 25, 1963

US State Department Translation, Telegram no. 03381 Concerning American Press Reports of Soviet and Cuban Connections to Lee Harvey Oswald

Telegrams from Andrei Gromyko, Soviet Ambassador to The United States, to the CC CPSU on measures to be taken and report on the "slanderous fabrications" in the American press regarding Oswlad's connections with the USSR

November 22, 1963

US State Department Translation, Special No. 1967-1967, Cipher Telegram Concerning Kennedy Assassination

Telegram from Anatoly Dobrynin, Soviet Ambassador to the United States, describes the immediate events following the Kennedy Assassination. Also discusses the risk of Soviet blame as a result of Lee Harvey Oswald's connection to the USSR.

November 27, 1959

US State Department Translation, Communist Party of the Soviet Union Central Committee, no.3471-sh, 'Resolution of the CC CPSU Regarding the Application of US National Lee Harvey Oswald for Soviet Citizenship'

Telegram from Gromyko, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR, to CC CPSU advising that Lee Harvey Oswald be granted temporary sojourn in the USSR for one year and to provide him employment and housing. The Resolution includes specifics of employment and housing.

November 23, 1963

US State Department Translation, Communist Party of the Soviet Union Central Committee, Protocol no. 125 of Meeting of the Presidium, 'On Measure to be take in Connection with the Murder of US President J. F. Kennedy'

Condolence letters/telegrams from Leonid Brezhnev, Nikita Krushchev, and Nina Krushcheva to U.S. President L.B. Johnson and Jacqueline Kennedy conveying the sympathy and grief of the Soviet people

October 4, 1989

Excerpt of a Politburo Meeting

Gorbachev comments on how communist parties should deal with unrest, such as what took place in Beijing in June 1989.

August 22, 1989

Note by Vladimir Lukin regarding Soviet-Chinese Relations

Vladimir Lukin speculates on the future of China and Sino-Soviet relations in the aftermath of the Tiananmen Square Incident.

July 15, 1989

Excerpts from the Conversation between Mikhail Gorbachev and Rajiv Gandhi

Gorbachev and Gandhi discuss the Tiananmen Square Incident in China and the ongoing turmoil within the Chinese Communist Party, including the fate of Zhao Ziyang.
