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October 16, 1949

From the Diary of N.V. Roshchin: Memorandum of Conversation with Chairman Mao Zedong on 16 October 1949

Soviet Ambassador to China Roshchin records his conversation with Chairman Mao Zedong where he congratulates Mao on the successes of the People's Liberation Army. Mao assures Roshchin that China will not take up diplomatic relations with Yugoslavia, and that it will officially recognize the GDR once the Soviet Union does.

June 20, 1948

Memorandum of Conversation, Soviet Ambassador to China, N. V. Roshchin with the President of the Chinese Republic Chiang Kai-shek on 2 June 1948

Report from Soviet Ambassador to China Roshchin on a conversation he had with Chiang Kai-shek. The two discuss Japan; Jieshi remains vague on his opinions of the handling of the Japanese situation, but admits that the American approach has some flaws. Roshchin concludes that the Chinese should be watched with respect to Japan.

December 21, 1955

From the Journal of Pavel F. Yudin: Record of Conversation with Mao Zedong on 21 December 1955

Mao Zedong discusses the progress of collectivizing agriculture in China as well as the state takeover of private industries in cities.

May 8, 1946

Joseph V. Stalin to Ja'far Pishevari, Leader of the Democratic Party of Azerbaijan, 8 May 1946

Letter to Ja'far Pishevari, leader of the People's Government of Azerbaijan, from Joseph Stalin, explaining the reasons for Soviet withdrawal from Iran. He asserts that by not pulling out their troops from Iran, he would have given the British and the Americans an excuse keep troops stationed around the world.

March 14, 1948

Stenographic Record of a Speech by Comrade J. V. Stalin at a Special Session of the Politburo, March 14, 1948

A purported speech by Stalin to a special session of the Politburo. He argues that because of differing ideologies between the USSR and the United States, hostilities are inevitable and, for that reason, the country's military should be enlarged. He praises the example set by the Chinese communist movement, and notes that India should be where the Soviet Union directs its attention to next.

Brian Murray questions the validity of the document in CWIHP Working Paper No. 12, where the document was first published.

November 22, 1956

Memorandum of Conversation with Bak Uiwan on 22 November 1956

Discussion with Bak Uiwan, who notes that the KWP's atmosphere is still tense following the August Plenum. Uiwan claimed Kim Il Sung agreed with the suggestions of the Sino-Soviet delegation (Mikoyan and Dehuai) in order to avoid tension in the meeting, but had no intention of following through.

September 1966

Information from the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Central Committee to the Polish United Workers’ Party Central Committee

A record of a North Vietnamese delegation to Moscow, which affirmed their belief that they would be able to defeat the Americans. They raise a request for additional supplies in 1967, and it is noted that China has continued to refuse to unite with the other socialist countries, which has complicated matters.

January 24, 1966

Reception by Soviet Vice Foreign Minister V. V. Kuznetsov for the General Director of the Polish Foreign Ministry, Cde. Jerzy Michalowski

Polish official, Jerzy Michalowski, discusses the Vietnamese situation after meeting with several high ranking officials there. He asserts that the Vietnamese misguided in their belief that the US is not willing to fight a broadened war. He also notes that, although Vietnamese allies recognize this, they discourage Vietnam from opening negotiations.

June 8, 1965

Oral Statement by the Head of the Department for the USSR and for the Countries of Eastern Europe of MFA PRC, Yu Zhan, Transmitted to the Embassy on 8 June 1965

A Chinese response to a statement from the Soviet Union, arguing that the Soviets look only to extend their influence over Vietnam, and not to truly help it to defeat the United States. It points out several examples of Soviet aid to Vietnam, which China believes had ulterior motives.

February 27, 1965

Oral Statement of the PRC Government, Transmitted by PRC Vice Foreign Minister Liu Xiao to the Chargé d’Affaires of the USSR in the PRC, Cde. F. V. Mochulski

The Chinese response to the Soviet request for China's opinion on a possible international conference on the subject of Indochina. The Chinese opinion is that to propose such a thing would make the Communist countries look weak and only encourage the United States.
