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November 25, 1963

Top Secret Cipher Telegram from Anastas Mikoyan to CPSU Central Committee

Mikoyan reports his recent conversations with US officials following JFK’s assassination. He reports that it is likely that Kennedy’s successor, Lyndon Johnson, will likely maintain Kennedy’s policy on US-Soviet foreign relations. US Ambassador Thompson also talks to Mikoyan about US concerns about the Soviet press coverage of the assassination.

March 14, 1979

Report by the Chairman of the Committee for State Security of the Armenian Socialist Soviet Republic M. A. Yuzbashyan

The Chairman of Armenian State Security reports on the investigation into the 8 January 1977 bombings in the Moscow metro. Three Armenian nationalists were identified as the culprits.

September 19, 1956

Memorandum from Lt. Gen. Zheleznikov, to the Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Georgia, Comrade P.V. Kovanov

Report on border crossing by possible Turkish and American intelligence agents along the Soviet-Turkish border.

May 22, 1947

Memorandum, Armenian Communist Party Central Committee Secretary Grigory Arutinov to Josef Stalin, 'About the Mood of a Part of the Armenians Repatriated From Foreign Countries'

Arutinov reports on the mood of the "repatriated" Armenians, members of the diaspora who were encouraged to move to Armenia by the Soviet government. The report describes assistance given to the over 50,000 repatriated Armenians and efforts to deal with dissatisfied members who were "in favor of re-emigration."

November 20, 1962

Telegram from TROSTNIK (Soviet Defense Minister Rodion Malinovsky) to PAVLOV (General Isa Pliev)

Malinovsky orders Pliev to load all tactical nuclear weapons on the ship “Atkarsk” and return them to the Soviet Union

November 16, 1962

Excerpt from Protocol No. 66 of Session of CC CPSU Presidium, 'Instructions to Comrade A. I. Mikoyan'

Khrushchev explains his agreement with Kennedy to Ambassador Mikoyan, in which the Soviet Union promised to remove weapons from Cuba on the condition that the US will lift the quarantine and prevent further invasion or attacks on Cuba.

November 6, 1962

Ciphered Telegram from Anastas Mikoyan to CC CPSU

Mikoyan reports to the CC CPSU regarding his conversations with the Cuban leadership. Fide Castrol had concerns about the possible withdraw of all Soviet weapons and all military specialists from Cuba and the possibility of UN inspections on Cuban territory.

November 5, 1962

Telegram from TROSTNIK (Soviet Defense Minister Rodion Malinovsky) to PAVLOV (General Isa Pliev)

Malinovsky informs Pliev that withdrawal of Luna missiles, FKR [cruise missiles] and IL-28 airplanes has not been discussed and they will probably be left in Cuba under his command.

November 1962

Telegram from TROSTNIK (Soviet Defense Minister Rodion Malinovsky) to PAVLOV (General Isa Pliev)

Malinovsky sends Pliev a timeline for transfer of weapons to the Cubans.

October 30, 1962

Telegram from TROSTNIK (Soviet Defense Minister Rodion Malinovsky) to PAVLOV (General Isa Pliev)

Malinovsky orders Pliev to load R-12 warheads onto the Alexandrovsk for return to the Soviet Union.
