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February 26, 1987

Notes from Politburo Meeting, 26 February 1987 (Excerpt)

Gorbachev and his advisors discuss whether to withdraw troops from Afghanistan.

January 22, 1987

Notes from Politburo Meeting, 21-22 January 1987 (Excerpt)

Gorbachev and his advisors discuss new Afghan president Mohammad Najibullah and the possible drawdown of Soviet troops.

December 2, 1989

Notes by A. S. Chernyaev, Record of Conversation between Mikhail Gorbachev and George H. W. Bush at Malta Summit

George H.W. Bush and Gorbachev meet off the coast of Malta in a meeting that came to symbolize the end of the Cold War. While no agreements were concluded, the leaders decided to press ahead in the Strategic Arms Reduction Talks (START), as well as in efforts to reduce arsenals of chemical weapons and conventional forces in Europe. Bush also made a number of proposals to advance bilateral relations, including steps to normalize trade relations through the granting of most-favored nation status, efforts to bar Congressional restrictions on credits, and US support for Soviet observer status at the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT).

October 11, 1989

Excerpt from the Diary of Anatoly Chernyaev

Chernyaev records Gorbachev's frustrations with Honecker following meeting with him in Berlin.

April 10, 1989

Note from A. S. Kapto, A. S. Pavlov, Ye. Z. Razumov to the the Central Committee (CC) of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU)

Kapto, Pavlov, and Razumov provide the CC CPSU’s recommendations for local party committees regarding political situation in the Georgian SSR.

May 1989

Findings of the Commission of the USSR Congress of People’s Deputies to Investigate the Events which Occurred in the City of Tbilisi on 9 April 1989

Report of a commission headed by A.A. Sobchak on the April 9 events in Tbilisi that resulted in the deaths of 19 demonstrators.

April 29, 1989

Decree of the CC CPSU Secretariat, 'The Issue of the Events in the City of Tbilisi'

Decree approving the creation of a commission to study the situation in Tbilisi and the demonstrations which occurred on 9 April, 1989.

April 29, 1989

Note from A. S. Pavlov, Chief of the CC CPSU State and Legal Department, to the CC CPSU, 'On the Issue of the Events in the City of Tbilisi'

Following the events of April 9, Pavolv advises that a commission be formed to examine the situation in Georgia.

April 10, 1989

Resolution of the CC CPSU Politburo, 'Measures to Normalize the Situation in Tbilisi'

The CC CPSU Politburo approves the appeal of the Gorbachev to the Georgian SSR and resolves to take into account the views discussed at the Politburo meeting when normalizing the situation in Tbilisi.

April 9, 1989

Telegram from First Secretary of the Georgian Communist Party, Dzhumbar I. Patiashvili to the Central Committee (CC) of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU)

Patiashvili reports on demonstrations in Tbilisi and army attempts to subdue them which resulted in the death of 16 people. Patiashvili requests to impose a curfew in the city to maintain order.
