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April 8, 1989

Telegram from First Secretary of the Georgian Communist Party, Dzhumbar I. Patiashvili to the Central Committee (CC) of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU)

Patiashvili reports developments in the situation in Georgia, where protests continue for Georgian independence from the Soviet Union and against the secession of Abkhazian from Georgia.

April 7, 1989

Telegram from First Secretary of the Georgian Communist Party, Dzhumbar I. Patiashvili to the Central Committee (CC) of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU)

Patiashvlli reports on protests in the Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic and suggests measures to curb the disturbances.

November 14, 1945

Meeting of J.V. Stalin with V. Gomulka and G. Mintz Regarding the Situation in Poland

Stalin advises Polish officials Gomulka and Mintz on the political and economic situation in Poland.

August 3, 1968

Shelest's Account of the Transfer of the 'Letter of Invitation'

Excerpt from diary of the First Secretary of the Ukrainian Communist Party, Petro Shelest. Shelest describes arrangements to receive a letter from Vasil Bil'ak, a written appeal for urgent military assistance from the Soviet Union to thwart an imminent "counterrevolution" in Czechoslovakia.

July 21, 1968

Shelest's Account of His Secret Meeting on Lake Balaton with Vasil Bil'ak, 20-21 July 1968

Excerpt from diary of the First Secretary of the Ukrainian Communist Party, Petro Shelest. Shelest recounts his secret meeting with the Slovak Communist Party leader, Vasil Bil'ak, on the shore of Lake Balaton in Hungary. The meeting took place late in the evening of 20-21 July, exactly a month before the Soviet-led invasion of Czechoslovakia.

December 10, 1964

From the Diary of O. T. Darusenkov, Record of a Conversation with the Secretary of the National Leadership of the United Party of the Socialist Revolution of Cuba, Ernesto Guevara, 8 December 1964

Guevara outlines his intentions for an upcoming speech to the UN General Assembly. He plans to discuss peaceful coexistence between large and small countries, as well as expose and confront the United States about their intervention in the Congo and aggression towards Cuba.

October 21, 1954

On Recent Yugoslav Foreign Policy (second half of 1954)

Zimianin writes on Yugoslav foreign policy and Soviet-Yugoslav foreign relations.

May 27, 1953

About the Situation in Yugoslavia and its Foreign Policy

M. Zimianin reports to Molotov on the internal and foreign policy of Yugoslavia after breaking with the USSR.

August 26, 1964

From the Diary of Yu. P. Chestnoy, Record of a Conversation with the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Bolivia, Mario Monje, 3 August 1964

The General Secretary of the Communist Party of Bolivia, Mario Monje, informs Chestnoy about a recent meeting with Che Guevara, in which they discuss the differences in Chinese Communist leadership policies. Guevara states that if forced to choose between the two sides, Cuban leadership would be on the side of the Soviet Union.

December 10, 1964

From the Diary of V. Kh. Man'ko, Record of a Conversation with the Correspondent of the Swedish Communist Party Newspaper, 'Ny Dag,' Karl Shtaf, 28 November 1964

Shtaf mentions that he had a conversation with an Argentinian Communist Party leader in Prague, who reported about his trip to Cuba and meeting with Guevara. He also discusses the current situation of the Communist Party in Sweden.
