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May 6, 1946

From the Diary of V.M. Molotov, Reception of the Chinese Ambassador to France, Jing Tai, on 6 May 1946 at 3:00 p.m. in the Soviet Embassy in Paris

The conversation is concerning the "German question" in terms of the conditions and aftermath of the surrender. PR China sees the negotiation on Germany as becoming an agreement that might apply similar to the question on the Japanese surrender. For this reason Jing Tai asks Molotov to allow China to take part in the negotiations on Germany. The trials of Japanese war criminals were also discussed.

February 19, 1946

Memorandum of Conversation of the Soviet Ambassador to China A.A. Petrov with the Chinese Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Shijie

Soviet Ambassaodr Petrov reports on a conversation with the Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Shijie. Shijie raises concerns about disputes between the Soviet and Chinese administration over the withdrawl of Soviet troops from the region and the control of property seized from the Japanese during the war. Petrov also raises the issue of Anti-Soviet demonstrations and propaganda in China.

September 1, 1933

Primorsk Region Oblispolkom, 'Memorandum Report on the Question of the Criminal Conditions in Building No. 10, 'MILLIONKA'

Addressed to the Oblispolkom, or district administration and executive committee, this report shows concerns about the Chinese population in the far eastern Primorsky region. The “Millionka” were a series of large apartments that housed thousands of Chinese in the Chinese quarter of the Vladivostok and their destruction was part of a series of Stalinist deportations which targeted the Chinese and Korean populations of the city. This document shows the Soviet administrator's deep suspicion of Asian communities and ethnic connections, which they perceived as mysterious, limitless, transnational, and inevitably related to “banditism,” “hooliganism,” drug use, and various criminal activities. The report identifies the Millionka as home to a wide variety of criminal activity and disorder (drug use, prostitution, blackmarket trade, drunkenness), as well as a source of "an anti-Soviet element with counterrevolutionary goals."

September 30, 1930

Resolution of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and Soviet of the People’s Commissars of the RSFSR, 'About the Practical Conduct of Nationalities Policy in the Far East Region in Regard to Chinese and Koreans'

The All-Russian Central Executive Committee lists inadequacies in meeting the needs of Korean and Chinese laborers in the Far Eastern region of the Soviet Union. Problems include interethnic tensions, inequality in labor conditions, inequality in education, capitalist economic activity, lack of Chinese and Korean in state administration and social organizations, and unsatisfactory implementation of resettlement plans.

January 7, 1992

The South Korean Passenger Aircraft Incident (1983)

V.A. Martynov reviews Soviet archival sources on the shoot down of the Korean Air Lines Flight 007 in 1983.

January 30, 1968

Record of a Conversation with Canadian Ambassador to the USSR R. Ford

S.P. Fozyrev and the Canadian Ambassador in Moscow review the causes of and potential resolutions for the Pueblo Incident.

February 2, 1968

Record of a Conversation with Canadian Ambassador to the USSR R. Ford

S.P. Kozyrev and the Canadian Ambassador review Soviet policy toward the resolution of the Pueblo Incident and the connections between developments in Vietnam and the military situation on the Korean Peninsula.

December 20, 1967

A 20 December 1967 DVO Memo about the Attitude of the Korean Leadership toward the Issues of Disarmament and Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons

A report on the DPRK's negative attitude towards a relaxation of tensions in the international arena, based on remarks made by Kim Il Sung.

January 29, 1968

Record of a Conversation with J. Rowland, Australian Ambassador to the USSR

S.P. Kozyrev and J. Rowland debate the reasons behind the tense situation on the Korean Peninsula. Though Rowland is emphatic that the Soviet Union ought to pressure the DPRK to cease provocations, Kozyrev insists that the "DPRK is an independent country."

August 5, 1967

Memo of the Soviet Embassy in the DPRK (3rd Secretary, R. Chebotarev), 'Activity of the Chinese Embassy in Pyongyang'

The DPRK's reaction to the Chinese embassy's propaganda related to the Cultural Revolution.
