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December 30, 1981

Remarks by Fidel Castro to an MPLA Delegation led by Political Bureau Member Lúcio, 'Contenido fundamental de la intervención del primer secretario del CC del PCC, compañero Fidel Castro, en las conversaciones sostenidas en Cuba con la delegación...'

Remarks by Fidel Castro to a delegation of the MPLA led by political bureau member Lúcio Lara.

May 20, 1981

Report of Conversations with Dmitri Ustinov and Nikolai Ogarkov, 'Contenido de las Reuniones Sostenidas con el Ministro de Defensa de la URSS y el Jefe del Estado Mayor General'

Marshal Dmitri Ustinov was the Soviet minister of defense; Marshal Nikolai Ogarkov was the chief of the Soviet General Staff.

May 17, 1981

Memorandum of Conversation between Senén Casas and Nikolai Ogarkov

General Senén Casas was Cuba’s first deputy minister of defense; Marshal Nikolai Ogarkov was the chief of the Soviet General Staff.

May 14, 1981

Memorandum of Conversation between Senén Casas and Dmitri Ustinov

General Senén Casas was Cuba’s first deputy minister of defense; Marshal Dmitri Ustinov was the Soviet minister of defense.

May 14, 1981

Memorandum of Conversation between Senén Casas and Nikolai Ogarkov

General Senén Casas was Cuba’s first deputy minister of defense; Marshal Nikolai Ogarkov was the chief of the Soviet General Staff.

March 15, 1980

Report of Conversation between Pedro García Peláez and José Eduardo dos Santos, 'Versión entrevista sostenida con presidente R.P.A. el sabado 15 de marzo de 1980'

Report by General Pedro García Peláez, head of the Cuban Military Mission in Angola, about his conversation with Angola’s president José Eduardo dos Santos.

October 17, 1979

Cuban Ministry of Armed Forces, Meetings with Agostinho Neto on Reduction of Cuban Troops, 'Cronología de las conversaciones sobre la reducción de tropas cubanas en la R.P.A. por el presidente Agostinho Neto...'

The Cuban Ministry of Armed Forces lists and summarizes conversations with Angola’s President Neto and Neto’s defense minister about withdrawing some Cuban troops from Angola.

October 16, 1979

Pedro García Peláez to Raúl Castro

General Pedro García Peláez was the head of the Cuban Military Mission in Angola; Raúl Castro was Cuba's defense minister.

October 16, 1979

Fidel Castro to Jaime Crombet

Jaime Crombet was the Cuban ambassador to Angola.

September 22, 1979

Military Intelligence Section Chief, Cuban Military Mission in Angola, Report on Conversation with Oliver Tambo, 'Entrevista sostenida con Oliver Tambo'

Oliver Tambo was the president of the ANC.
