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November 25, 1962

Letter from Cuban President Osvaldo Dorticos to Fidel Castro re Conversation with Anastas Mikoyan

A letter from Cuban President Osvaldo Dorticos regarding a conversation he had with Anastas Mikoyan. The two discussed mostly the USSR's position on Cuba, to which Mikoyan expressed the USSR's support of Cuba (that it would retaliate if Cuba were attacked), but that peaceful coexistence was still the Soviet's plan to follow for the development of humanity toward socialism and the defeat of imperialism.

November 20, 1962

Cable from Cuban Foreign Minister Raúl Roa to Cuban Mission to the United Nations (Lechuga), New York

Instructions from Cuba's Foreign Minister, Roa, to Carlos Lechuga and the Cuban Mission to the UN on how they should handle presenting the Cuban points to the Brazilian proposal as amendments.

November 11, 1962

Cables from Cuban Foreign Minister Raúl Roa to Cuban Mission to the United Nations (Lechuga), New York

A series of cables from the Cuban Foreign Minister, Roa, to Carlos Lechuga and the Cuban Mission to the UN. They discuss: a Cuban amendment to the Brazil proposal; U Thant’s idea of independent declaration in which each country would promise to uphold its corresponding part of the protocol; and opposition to inspections.

November 10, 1962

Cable from Cuban Foreign Minister Raúl Roa to Cuban Mission to the United Nations (Amb. Carlos M. Lechuga), New York

Cuban Foreign Minister, Raul Roa, sends a cable to Carlos Lechuga and the Cuban Mission to the UN discussing the "Yankee government" inspecting Soviet ships and instructing the Mission to await further instructions on the Brazil project.

October 22, 1962

Carlos Lechuga, Record of contacts at the UN Cuban Ambassador

Carlos Lechuga's record of contacts of the UN Cuban Ambassador from 22 October 1962 to 11 January 1963.

October 24, 1962

Record of Meeting of Fidel Castro and Military Chiefs

Fidel Castro and his military advisors are discussing possible American mobilization of troops to Cuba (in the context of the Cuban Missile Crisis) and what Cuba would need to do to defend itself from such an invasion. A majority of the conversation is devoted to anti-aircraft and aviation preparations.

November 29, 1984

Letter from Fidel Castro to the President of the International Olympic Committee Juan Antonio Samaranch

Letter from Cuban leader Fidel Castro the President of the International Olympic Committee Juan Antonio Samaranch on the 1988 Seoul Olympics

January 26, 1968

Fragments of the Intervention of Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro at the Plenary Session of the Central Committee of the Communist Party

January 25-26, 1968. F. Castro speaks of relations with the US and Kennedy, friendship with the USSR, as well as placement of missiles, security issues as the US's imperialistic nature, while extolling the virtures of socialism, Cuba, and "The Revolution." Castro also stresses that Soviet withdrawal of weapons from Cuba is a blow to the international Communist movement.

May 29, 1963

Agreement between Cubans and Soviets Regarding Defense and Technology

Agreement between the government of Cuba and the government of the USSR concerning the installation of technical equipment of the Revolutionary Armed Forces, and in reinforcing the defensive capacity of the Republic of Cuba and annexes. Includes timetables and charts outlining the import of resources from the Soviets to the Cubans over a period of several years.

December 30, 1962

Words from Commander-in-Chief Dr. Fidel Castro at the Promotion of Officials Celebrated at the base La Cabana

Words from Fidel Castro at the promotion of FAR officials held at La Cabana.
