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July 25, 1953

The Communists and Jūnblaṭ (Jumblat)

Document describing communication between Kamal Jumblatt and the Communists, who are interested in creating a popular front made up of workers and rural peasants through cooperation between the Communist party and Jumblat's Socialist party.

October 20, 1950

Syrian Political Bureau in Lebanon

Report on the formation of a Syrian political office in Lebanon by Shishaklī and his colleagues.

April 18, 1947

Information regarding the Brotherhood

Information about Muslim Brotherhood activities in Lebanon, including a meeting held on the 17th of April, a plan for local Islamic education headed by the Brotherhood and information on Brotherhood membership.


Supporters of the Greater Syria Project

Short document; a list of supporters of the Greater Syria Project.


Activities in Favour of the Greater Syria Project

Short document describing a meeting between King 'Abd Allāh and Moḥamad ‘Ayid al-Ḥafranī, a supporter of the Greater Syria project.


Communist in the University Students' Union

List of members of the Lebanese communist party who are active in the University Students' Union.


Communist Report about the Lebanese Elections

Report about the Lebanese elections, including information on communist participation and information on the major non-communist figures.


Communists and the Elections

Report on communist interference in elections in Lebanon by uniting left-wing parties into a 'leftist front.'


Communist Activities

Report on recent communist activities in the Middle East, including attempts to revoke the state of emergency in Lebanon, failed attempts to instigate a new movement in Tripoli, intelligence sent by Lebanese foreign minister & communists to the Soviets, Communists in Jordan, and Sāmī al-Sulḥ’s attitude towards the Eisenhower doctrine.


World Peace Council

Document describing a statement on the Suez Canal crisis published by the head of the Pacifists in Lebanon.
