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December 26, 1979

Summary of a CC CPSU Meeting

A summary of CC CPSU officials regarding the recently approved Soviet troop deployment in Afghanistan.


A Few Questions about the Details of the Worker's Party of Korea

A detailed description of the economic progress of North Korea from before the war to after the war, the successes of the first five year plan including the growth statistics in areas such as electric power, coal, steel, cement, and fertilizer. The inner politics of the party is discussed, mentioning the growth of the party since the war, the demographic of the party (workers, peasants, white collar workers, and an ‘other’ section). Statistics of growth throughout the years with a section on non-card carrying members and what prevents them from being members. There is a section discussing the advantages and disadvantages of the union of the country and a promise of a better life given to the citizens living in the American-occupied south. The question section at the end that invokes elaboration on many of these topics.


Communist Party of the Soviet Union Central Committee Report: "Some Questions about the Mongolian People's Republic"

The rural economic situation of Mongolia is discussed, assessing the growth in cattle population in 1958 and 1959. There is also mention of the planned cultural and industrial development projects. There are 45 proposed industrial projects. The growth of the socialist party in Mongolia mentioned, giving growth statistics.

June 22, 1954

Letter from Nikita S. Khrushchev, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, to Josip Broz Tito and the Central Committee of the League of Communists Of Yugoslavia

Letter from Soviet leader Nikita S. Khrushchev to Yugoslav leader Josep B. Tito suggesting that the time is ripe for a rapprochement between the two states and parties. Blaming former NKVD chief Lavrenty Beria and former Yugoslav leadership member Milovan Djilas for doing the work of the imperialists by attempting to drive a wedge between the Soviet and Yugoslav people and parties, Khrushchev suggests that the ousting of both will increase rapprochement between the two countries and be the catalyst for a a summit between the two leaders.

July 24, 1954

Cable from the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union to Tito and Central Committee of the League Of Communists Of Yugoslavia

Letter from the CC CPSU to the CC LCY regarding the positive response given the CC CPSU by the CC LCY concerning the 22 June 1954 Soviet letter to the Yugoslav leadership suggesting the possibility of Soviet-Yugoslav rapprochement. The Soviets also suggest that they support the Yugoslav position on the question of the city of Trieste, a disputed zone between the Yugoslavs and the Italians.

September 23, 1954

Letter from Nikita Khrushchev, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, to Tito and the Executive Committee of the Central Committee of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia

Nikita Khrushchev’s letter to Yugoslav leader Josip Broz Tito concerning the possibility of improving relations between the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia. The Soviet leader suggests that rapprochement between the USSR and Yugoslavia can only be accomplished if both parties continue the exchange of views regarding mutual non-interference in the internal affairs of the other country, peaceful coexistence, equality among parties, and world peace. Khrushchev goes on to suggest that a summit between party representatives should meet in order to further rapprochement.

September 27, 1954

Letter from Nikita Khrushchev, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, to Tito and the Executive Committee of the Central Committee of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia

The CC CPSU leadership letter of apology to the CC LCY for “an inappropriate formulation” that had escaped Soviet censors concerning the Yugoslav leadership in the second edition of the book Historical Materialism

June 28, 1979

Draft instructions to the Soviet Ambassador in Kabul with Appeal of the CC CPSU Politburo to the CC PDPA Politburo

Members of the CC CPSU summarize the political instability in Afghanistan, pointing to collective leadership in government and to the military as stabilizing the political situation.


Instructions to the Soviet Ambassador in Kabul

Strengthening the ideas of the April Revolution through increasing DRA and PDPA party ties to foster an intra-party democracy is the basis for an upcoming meeting between H. Amin and senior Soviet policy makers in Moscow.

December 27, 1979

Message to Soviet Ambassadors on the Invasion of Afghanistan, Attachment to CPSU Politburo Decree #177

The violent actions by the DRA, led by H. Amin, to de-stabilize the Afghan government, dissolving the gains made in the April Revolution, causes the Soviet Union to place military detachments in Afghanistan.
