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Communist Party of the Soviet Union Central Committee Directive to Soviet Ambassador Ivanov

A directive from the CPSU CC to the Soviet Ambassador to the DPRK asking him to familiarize the Chinese Ambassador with the contents of Ianov's discussion with Kim Il Sung.

October 15, 1956

Communist Party of the Soviet Union Central Committee Report on 8 October Conversation between Ambassador Ivanov and Kim Il Sung

Report on Kim Il Sung's rejection to publish the text of the decree of the KWP CC Plenum in its entirety. CPSU CC agrees with Ambassador Ivanov's suggestion to familiarize the Chinese ambassador in the DPRK with the contents.

September 6, 1956

Memorandum of Conversation with Pak Ui-wan

Pak Ui-wan explains to V.I. Ivanov the personality cult in the Korean Worker's Party and the somewhat unstable condition of the Worker's Party due to the debate surrounding the cult of personality.

September 1, 1956

Diary of Ambassador of the USSR to the DPRK V.I. Ivanov for the period from 29 August to 14 September 1956

Kim Il Sung, in conversation with Ivanov, expresses his concerns about assignment of personnel and the cult of personality in North Korea.

May 6, 1975

Summarized Evaluation of Kim Il Sung's Visit to the PR China (18 to 26 April 1975)

A report on the visit of Kim Il Sung to the PRC, describing Kim Il Sung’s reception and the topics discussed. These include the two countries position on the Soviet Union, the role of the “Third World” and Korean reunification.

April 29, 1975

On the Visit of a DPRK Party and Government Delegation Headed by Kim Il Sung to the PR China from 18 to 26 April 1975

Report of the visit by DPRK officials to the PRC. This summary addresses the PRC’s and the DPRK’s relations with each other and their individual policies towards South Korea, it examines the issue of reunification and touches on the Sino-Soviet competition.

August 15, 1975

Telegram from Tokyo to Bucharest, No. 069.711

Finantu describes Kim Il Sung's message sent to Japanese PM Takeo Miki through MP Tokuma Utsunomiya, which declares Kim Il Sung's determination to unify the peninsula.

August 19, 1974

The Official Visit Paid by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Socialist Republic of Romania to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea

The document describes a cordial bilateral relationship between the DPRK and Romania. Pyongyang expresses its desire to continue consulting with Bucharest regarding the issue of dismantling UN bodies in South Korea. In addition, North Korea notes the imperative of establishing direct contact with the United States and plans on using Washington's positive or negative response to its advantage.

August 1973

Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Note, No. 01/010124/73, Secret

The document outlines Romania's position regarding the issue of unification of the Korean Peninsula. After a summary of inter-Korean negotiations thus far, the report concludes that the two Koreas are moving very slowly because both sides are attempting to gain advantage over the other. Nonetheless, Romania declares its firm support of the DPRK.

April 12, 1973

Telegram from Pyongyang, SECRET, No.061.121, Urgent

A Romanian diplomat reports on the second session of the DPRK Supreme People’s Assembly. The meeting focused on increasing the state budget to accomplish the 6-year plan with particular focus on heavy industry, machinery, raw material extraction, and energy production. The meeting also noted the need to increase the standard of living for the North Korean people. Nonetheless, no mention was made on collaborating with the outside world for economic and technological cooperation.
