Eastern Europe
(372) documents
1906- 1978
East Asia
1898- 1969
1893- 1976
1898- 1976
1913- 1981
North America
1905- 1954
Western Europe
May 5, 1966
Mao Zedong, Mehmet Shehu, Hysni Kapo, and others have a conversation, coincidentally, on Marx’s birthday. They discuss Khrushchev’s legacy, the history of the Chinese Communist Party, and the story of Liri Belishova.
October 2, 1963
Beqir Balluku holds a discussion with Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Liu Shaoqi, and Luo Ruiqing. The Chinese side reviews their country's revolutionary history and many years of struggle against the Kuomintang.
January 18, 1952
In the course of the discussion the matter of the proposed purge by the Chinese government of foreigners in Manchuria was raised. Luo Ruiqing said that the Chinese government intends to purge a series of regions of the country of unreliable elements: Manchuria, Qingdao, and Beijing. In the course of two years from these regions all foreigners of imperialist states will be deported. It’s more difficult to address the matter of local Soviet citizens. Among these local Soviet citizens there are dispersed columns of openly and secretly hostile elements, who have conducted in the past or carry on now espionage activities against the USSR and the Chinese People’s Republic.