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May 13, 1969

Telegram from Romanian Ambassador in Beijing Aurel Duma to Foreign Minister Corneliu Manescu Regarding Conversations with Representatives of Chinese Ministries of Trade, Foreign Affairs, and Defense

Telegram from Romanian Ambassador to China, Duma, to Romanian Foreign Minister, Manescu, focusing on Duma's talks with China's Deputy Foreign Minister, Guanhua. Guanhua sees the USSR's building of relations with Mongolia and the DPRK as an attempt to encircle China. He also believes that American and Soviet aid are what is keeping anti-Chinese propaganda in circulation in India, although the Kashmir issue means there is no need to fear an Indo-Pakistani alliance. Additionally, he notes the anti-Chinese sentiment apparent in the European socialist bloc countries, and asserts that, although it wishes no harm to the Israeli people, China does not recognize Israel as a legitimate state.

January 27, 1966

Note on Two Conversations with the Minister Counselor of the North Vietnamese Embassy, Comrade Hoan Muoi, on 26 January 1966, in the Cuban Embassy, and on 27 January 1966, on the Occasion of a Farewell Visit to Our Embassy [Excerpts]

Minister Counselor of the DRV Embassy Hoan Muoi expresses his belief that there will be no international conference on Vietnam until there is a reconciliation between the USSR and China. He asserts that Kruschev damaged the world Communist movement, but also that China's objections to Soviet aid to Vietnam are unjustified.


List of Questions Discussed and Adopted by the Soviet Politburo in the First Five Months of 1967

List of questions decided on by the Soviet Politburo pertaining to the People's Republic of Mongolia.

January 1966

Information about the Visit of the Soviet Party and Government Delegation to Mongolia Headed by Brezhnev [Excerpt]

Leonid Brezhnev speaks with Mongolian delegates about the Chinese military build-up on the Mongolian border, and the state of the Mongolians living in Inner Mongolia.

July 15, 1963

Resolution of the Mongolian People’s Revolutionary Party Central Committee [MPRP CC] Politburo on Joining the Warsaw Pact

The resolution of the Mongolian People's Republic to join the Warsaw Pact. The Politburo specifically cites the treaty between the U.S. and Japan as a threat which made it a necessary decision.

September 24, 1956

Memorandum of Conversation between Mao Zedong and the Delegation of the Mongolian People’s Revolutionary Party and Comments on the Distribution of the Memorandum of Conversation

Mao Zedong meets with a delegation from the Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party, and Mao encourages the Mongolians to pursue industrialization and the building of public works. It is also suggested that the two countries increase their diplomatic relations through the building of a Mongolian consulate.

June 28, 1962

Record of Conversation from Premier Zhou Enlai's Reception of the Delegation of the North Korean Supreme People’s Assembly

Premier Zhou Enlai and the Delegation of the DPRK Supreme People’s Assembly shared views on opposing revisionism, opposing US imperialism, upholding the principles of Marxism-Leninism, socialist development, and maintaining the unity of the international proletariat. They reiterated the friendly fraternal relations between China and North Korea, in particular, they shared views on politics in Korean Peninsula and US Asian strategies.

November 6, 1967

Internal Memorandum of Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 'North Korean Note'

A brief note suggests that the 12-page note sent to the Ministry by the North Korean Embassy in Prague should be returned as if never read. The 31 October 1967 North Korean note, introduced by a brief letter in English and provided both in French and in Korean, deals with U.S. imperialism and the risk of war it entails.

July 11, 1975

Draft US Department of State Cable on Approach to South Korea on French Reprocessing Plant

A follow up report for Henry Kissinger on the state of U.S. policy toward South Korea's purchase of a French reprocessing plant.

October 30, 1973

Memorandum on the Conversation between Kim Il Sung and Todor Zhivkov

Todor Zhivkov, First Secretary of the Bulgarian Communist Party, reports on his meeting with Kim Il Sung. Zhivkov and Kim discussed global detente and the Cold War, Chinese-North Korean relations, collective security in Asia, North Korea's views of COMECON, Korean unification, and factionalism in the Korean Workers' Party.
