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September 5, 1956

Memorandum to the President [Howland Sargeant]

A Radio Liberation official reports to AMCOMLIB President Sargeant on the Munich Radio Conference of RL, RFE, VOA, USIA, and State Department officials on U.S. international broadcasting

June 29, 1956

Radio Liberation Programming Staff Comment on the Report “An Estimate of the Effectiveness of Radio Liberation” William Schramm, 1 September 1955 [redacted] with attachments Radio Liberation Policy Manual and Listener Testimony Omitted

Radio Liberation program staff comments on the Schramm report with reference to the RL policy manual and other listener testimony. 


The Chronological Development of the American Committee as a Propaganda Instrument in Political Warfare

This unsigned AMCOMLIB memorandum traces through March 1955 the startup of AMCOMLIB publishing and radio operations and the evolving r ole envisaged for the Soviet emigration.

January 21, 1953

Airgram No. 68 from Swift to Admiral Stevens, AMCOMLIB, with attachment 'Joint Agreement on Principles Governing Programs Broadcast by Radio Liberation'

AMCOMLIB official Swift provides Chairman Stevens with a draft of Radio Liberty program guidelines agreed between his office and the émigré Coordinating Center for the Anti-Bolshevik Struggle 

February 27, 1951

[Memorandum] Russian-Language Broadcasts by Fund to Soviet Personnel in Eastern European Satellite Countries

A Free Europe Committee memorandum discusses possible Russian-language broadcasts to Soviet military forces in Eastern Europe. Includes attachment titled "Specific Proposals for Fund Russian Language Broadcasts to Soviet Personnel in Eastern European Satellite Countries".

January 5, 1961

Implementation of the CC CPSU Decree 'Measures to Vigorously Counteract Hostile Radio Propaganda'

Report on the implementation of the CC CPSU decree to broadcast radio programs to counter VOA and BBC broadcasts.

July 15, 1960

CC CPSU Report, 'Measures to Vigorously Counteract Hostile Radio Propaganda Directed at the Soviet Population'

Report from the head of the Department of Agitation and Propaganda of the Central Committee of the CPSU detailing the shortcomings of Soviet broadcast media in countering Western broadcasts. The document is noteworthy for its criticism of the poor distribution of Soviet newscasts in the Eastern part of the USSR, and acknowledgment of how Western broadcasts have filled this void. An interesting point is made on the habit of adapting Soviet-made receivers to capture Western shortwave broadcasts.


Briefing Book on Radio Liberty Committee

CIA reviews RL history in a briefing book (extract)

September 8, 1966

CIA Submittal to 303 Committee, Reaffirmation of Existing Policy on Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty

CIA proposes adoption of the findings of the Panel on US Government Broadcasting to the Communist Bloc pertaining to RFE and RL but urges continued solicitation of private corporate donations by the RFE Fund [successor to the Crusade for Freedom]

December 6, 1963

Radio Liberty Broadcasting Policy

Revised guidelines (updating previous Gray Broadcasting policy) for RL broadcasting policy approved by the Committee for Radio Broadcasting Policy.
