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March 21, 1975

Military Exercise Soyuz-75 Combat Instruction No. 5 for Radioelectric Warfare of the Maritime Front

This document provides combat instructions to Warsaw Pact military forces as part of the military exercise Soyuz-75.

October 30, 1973

Memorandum on the Conversation between Kim Il Sung and Todor Zhivkov

Todor Zhivkov, First Secretary of the Bulgarian Communist Party, reports on his meeting with Kim Il Sung. Zhivkov and Kim discussed global detente and the Cold War, Chinese-North Korean relations, collective security in Asia, North Korea's views of COMECON, Korean unification, and factionalism in the Korean Workers' Party.

March 19, 1975

Military Exercise Soyuz-75 Intelligence Information No. 1

As part of the Soyuz-75 exercise, this document provides intelligence on Western forces and an evaluation of the current military situation.

July 22, 1954

US Government Policy for Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty

An annex to the Operations Coordinating Board (OCB) “169 Study” on U.S. international communications reviews the goals and effectiveness of Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty.

February 26, 1954

CIA Review of Radio Liberty Broadcasting

A CIA memorandum reviews Radio Liberty policy guidance to date and outlines how it differs from the Voice of America.

November 18, 1953

CIA Dissent from C.D. Jackson’s Views

CIA official Tracey Barnes, reacting to C.D. Jackson’s memorandum of November 16, 1953 ("Fomenting Unrest in the Communist World"), cautions against encouraging active resistance in Eastern Europe.

September 30, 1953

Implementation of Jackson Committee Recommendations on Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty

The Operations Coordinating Board forwards CIA’s acceptance of Jackson Committee recommendations that the Free Europe Committee and American Committee for Liberation concentrate on radio broadcasting to the Soviet bloc as distinct from Ă©migrĂ© support projects.

January 22, 1953

Radio Policy Paper

A CIA memorandum formulates guidelines for RL broadcasts to be conducted by a Coordinating Center of Soviet exiles

July 16, 1952

Revised Princeton Statement [on American Foreign Policy]

The Psychological Strategy Board issues a restrained revision of the Princeton Statement adopted at a May 1952 meeting at Princeton on psychological operations [available in the Hoover Archives] convened at the initiative of Free Europe Committee President C.D. Jackson.

March 19, 1975

Military Exercise Soyuz-75 Combat Instruction No. 2 for Reconnaissance of the Maritime Front

This document describes the present military situation in Europe as part of the "Soyuz-75" military exercise. Having inflicting damage on NATO with nuclear strikes, the Polish Maritime Front must now gauge the current condition and location of Western military forces in Europe.
